7 Best Lauren Ambrose Roles In Movies and TV Shows

Earning an Emmy recognition for a debut starring role is an achievement many actors can only dream of. However, in Lauren Ambrose‘s case, the Emmy-nominated actress was not only able to actualize that dream with Six Feet Under but did so at an incredibly young age. The show’s critical acclaim and fan following put Ambrose on the map and set the stage for her successful career.

Armed with a solid foundation thanks to a background in theater, Ambrose eventually became a regular fixture in Hollywood to the delight of audiences and critics. She has been able to maintain a commendable level of activity across many creative mediums embodying a diverse range of characters in the process. Here, we’ve combed through her vast portfolio to narrow down some of her best works in film and television.

1. Six Feet Under

Lauren Ambrose as a young girl

Years after its conclusion, Six Feet Under remains a standout show in television history, and Lauren Ambrose’s turn as Claire Fisher remains one of her best performances. The series revolved around the Fisher family and their funeral home business, with Ambrose portraying the youngest family member, the rebellious and uncertain, Claire. Ambrose expertly captured the angst and challenges of adolescence and effortlessly evolved with the character’s changing arc into a young adult finding her place in the world. Claire’s journey was a major arc of the series and culminated in the widely celebrated series finale, regarded as one of TV’s greatest finales.

2. Servant

Lauren Ambrose in Servant - Lauren Ambrose movie TV show roles

When revisiting the best movie and TV show roles in Lauren Ambrose’s portfolio, M. Night Shyamalan’s critically acclaimed psychological horror series, Servant, is a standout. Lauren Ambrose plays Dorothy Turner, one half of the show’s central couple who hire a young nanny to care for their infant son but soon find themselves grappling with mysterious events upon the nanny’s arrival. Ambrose delivers a career-best performance as a grieving mentally ill mother. Her portrayal of Dorothy’s unraveling mental state is both chilling and heartbreaking, making her a compelling character to watch throughout the show’s 4 Season run on AppleTV+.

3. Sleepwalk with Me (2012)

Lauren Ambrose in Sleepwalk with Me

Lauren Ambrose starred in a trio of comedy films in 2012 and among them was Sleepwalk with Me. The film is based on the one-man show and book of the same name by comedian Mike Birbiglia who writes, directs, and stars as Matt Pandamiglio a fictionalized version of himself. The story follows Matt, a struggling stand-up comedian, who also suffers from a sleep disorder called REM Behavior Disorder, which causes him to act out his dreams while asleep. Ambrose plays a pivotal role as Matt’s long-time girlfriend, a grounding force in his life who helps him navigate his troubles. Ambrose’s chemistry with Birbiglia is palpable, and she delivers yet another significant performance that elevates the show’s overall quality. Sleepwalk with Me won the Best of NEXT Audience Award at the Sundance Film Festival.

4. Yellowjackets (2021)

Lauren Ambrose movie TV show roles


Yellowjackets is a Showtime survival drama series that chronicles the aftermath of a plane crash involving a female high school soccer team stranded deep in the wilderness. Set in two timelines, the show tracks the present lives of the survivors decades after the tragic event occurred. Lauren Ambrose was introduced in Season 2 as adult Van, whose younger version is played by Liv Hewson. While Ambrose owes the possibility of her casting to Hewson whose standout performance saw the character outlive the original plan, her track record was what ultimately made her the selection as fans and cast members practically handpicked her for the role. Ambrose integrated seamlessly as adult Van bringing with her a fresh layer of intrigue to the show’s mysterious premise. Understandably, Yellowjackets is a must when discussing the best movie and TV show roles of Lauren Ambrose’s career.

5. Loving Leah (2009)

Lauren Ambrose in Loving Leah

Loving Leah is a romantic drama that examines an ancient Jewish orthodox tradition known as yibbum, where a man is required to marry his late brother’s widow to preserve his brother’s lineage. Ambrose plays the widow and Aaron Kaufman, her husband’s nonpractising Jewish brother who is forced to abandon his girlfriend and marry Leah for a year. To prepare for the role, Ambrose immersed herself in the Hasidic community and her dedication to the role shines through in her performance which was widely well-received.

6. About Sunny (2011)

Lauren Ambrose in About Sunny

About Sunny also titled Think of Me, follows the life of a struggling single mother, Angela who is constantly caught up at crossroads and can’t seem to make the right decisions, thus endangering her young daughter, Sunny. Set in an impoverished area of Las Vegas, the film deals with themes of poverty, love, and survival in a gritty and realistic way. Ambrose portrays Angela with such vulnerability that draws sympathy from audiences almost making her bad decisions forgivable. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival with Ambrose earning an Independent Spirit Award nomination for Best Female Lead. About Sunny which is Ambrose’s first producing credit was directed and written by Bryan Wizemann who based the film on his own life experience.

7. Torchwood: Miracle Day (2011)

Lauren Ambrose in Torchwood: Miracle Day - Lauren Ambrose movie TV show roles

A spin-off of the beloved Doctor Who series, Torchwood: Miracle Day served to conclude a four-part series centering around the aftermath of a global event called “Miracle Day,” where suddenly nobody on Earth can die. The show welcomed the addition of many American talents both on and off-screen. Ambrose delivered a significant performance as Jilly Kitzinger, a PR executive who becomes involved with the story’s events and becomes a recurring character for 7 out of 10 episodes. Though critics were divided on the show’s overall quality, Ambrose’s performance was well received, earning her a Saturn Award nomination for Best Supporting Actress on Television.

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