Larry David’s Next Project Could Be Hidden In Curb Your Enthusiasm

Curb Your Enthusiasm season 12 is set to hit TV screens by early 2024, and speculation suggests that it will be the final season. Larry David planned on killing off the fictional Larry in season 11 but changed his mind at the last minute, granting Curb Your Enthusiasm lovers another outing. With talk of the Curb Your Enthusiasm finally ending, it’s left a conversation in the air as to what David will do next.

Larry David is known to take extended breaks from Curb Your Enthusiasm to pursue other creative endeavors like HBO’s TV movie, Clear History, and his Broadway play, Fish In The Dark. While he always comes back and delivers another season, that might not be the case this time around. While no official word is out whether season 12 will be the last, stars of the show have taken to their social media accounts to bid farewell to their characters. But if David decides to venture onto another project, it could be a familiar one.

Larry David Can Build New Curb Your Enthusiasm Inspired Shows

Larry David in Curb Your Enthusiasm

Throughout Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry has a host of projects that he intends to see to fruition, but his argumentative nature gets in the way and derails them near enough every time. While David hasn’t spoken about what he wants to do next, Curb Your Enthusiasm has already set up some worthy ideas for him. If David was to piggyback off these ideas, it could be deemed lazy, so an entirely new show could be his best option. He could return to another scripted show with a laugh track like Seinfeld, or he could create a new universe and keep his famous improv as a main feature.

Which Failed Larry David Project Would Make The Best Series

Curb Your Enthusiasm Season 7

If Larry David was to expand upon any of his character’s failed projects, the ideas all possess a pretty solid starting point. In Curb Your Enthusiasm, the fictional Larry has become pretty set in his ways and is semi-retired for the most part. He spends way too much time arguing his way around LA to come up with any new ideas. However, when he is pushed by his wife to work again, Larry comes up with some genius concepts.

In season 2 of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Larry attempts to start a show with Julia-Louis Dreyfus where she would play a famous actress struggling to find work after becoming unable to shake her most famous character. The show is set to be called “Aren’t You Evelyn?”, but after a series of mishaps with Dreyfus, the show dies an early death. Seinfeld star, Jason Alexander, steps in but that too results in a nightmare of epic proportions. While the show never saw the light of day in Curb Your Enthusiasm, there’s definitely room for it in the real world of TV. David could once again play himself, titling the show – “Aren’t You Larry?”.

Season 11 saw Larry start up a new project called, “Young Larry”. The show focused on Larry’s early life in New York City living in a small apartment with his loud and overbearing family. Throughout the season, the audience got snippets of the show and the material was actually impressive. A show about a young Larry David could serve as a perfect prequel to Curb Your Enthusiasm, documenting the escapades that Larry got into as a child, gaining his skills as a slick and witty social assassin.

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