Kristen Stewart to play Jean Seberg In ‘Against All Enemies’

It seems like it’s been a little while since we’ve seen Kristin Stewart on the big screen but she’ll be making her way as Jean Seberg in the movie Against All Enemies. If you’re not up on your history this would be a good chance to look up Jean Seberg since she was quite the polarizing figure in the 1960’s. She was an actress that spent half of her life in France and was persecuted continuously by the FBI for her support of the Black Panther Party. Her death was ruled as a probable suicide by police but the details still seem sketchy despite how she was found. She was discovered wrapped in a blanket with a suicide note and an empty bottle of barbiturates nearby, along with a bottle of mineral water.

Stewart, who has a great many film credits to her name at this time, was made famous of course for the Twilight movies that really allowed her stock to rise. But she kind of took herself out of the limelight for a little while for various reasons.  Stepping back into it now seems to indicate that she had enough of a break and is ready to go again. This is an interesting film to make a comeback with, if that is in fact what she’s doing. Seberg was seen as quite the controversial character despite being very charitable and giving to organizations that were in need. As was mentioned above however she was also looked at quite closely for her contributions to the Black Panther party, who were less than supportive of how the US government was run as it pertained to their race.

For her troubles Seberg was continually harassed and had her reputation tarnished beyond belief as the FBI did everything they could to make sure that she was shamed and publicly humiliated. The trick of that however was that the FBI couldn’t be implicated in the process, so they had to take a very hands off approach to ruining the woman while serving their own goal. This is one of those situations in which it’s hard to see one of the most prominent agencies in the US as the protagonist since they were actively out to ruin a woman that was trying to help others, but was in fact contributing to an organization that was firmly entrenched against the FBI. It would seem that Stewart is going to have her hands full with this role since it is one that will require some history and some idea of just who Seberg was and how she reacted to those around her that attempted to ruin her for doing something she felt was right.

History when told on film tends to be passed through a lens that makes someone the bad guy and someone the hero, but it’s not always certain who. The perspective given is not always the same that people follow since we all have our own preconceived notions of what’s right and wrong. So when watching this movie it’s probably best to be objective.

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