credit: John Wick
The fans are going to want whatever they want, whether it makes sense or not. But it would appear that people want to see none other than the man who made John Wick the icon he is today as Johnny Blaze, the Ghost Rider. As far as fan casting goes, this feels like a great decision since Keanu Reeves is one of the most loved actors in Hollywood at this point and has been for a while. But whether it’s going to happen is anyone’s guess at this point since it’s been seen how the decision-making process happens in the MCU, and it’s been seen that the will of the fans has often been ignored and even disregarded completely. It’s tough to know why some characters have been given over to certain actors, but in retrospect, many have been perfectly matched, while only a few don’t appear to fit the mold. But this brings into question Keanu’s role in the MCU, and if he’d be able to fill it. There aren’t a lot of fans who appear willing to question this choice at the moment, but it’s still enough to think that one should question it anyway, no matter how much people enjoy watching Keanu.

credit: Ghost Rider
Can he match Nicolas Cage?
Comparing one actor to another is common, but when it comes to taking on a specific role there are bound to be plenty of individuals who are bound to be compared to others. Nicolas Cage was a good pick for his time, and he managed to act out the part of Johnny Blaze and the Ghost Rider well enough, but the second movie was the kind of manic acting that has been seen from Cage more than once in the past. It could have been the dialogue or the overall script that made the second movie hard to take, but it did a huge disservice to the first movie since it didn’t exactly hold to the same story the whole way through and went on to speak more of the Ghost Rider as a fallen angel, rather than the demon that he’s been described as over the years in the comics. It’s safe to say that it might be difficult to figure out what might be in store for this character in the days to come. People have an answer as to who they want to see in the role, but that might not be enough.
Which version of the Ghost Rider would he play?
Johnny Blaze might be the most well-known host of Ghost Rider, but Robbie Reyes and Dan Ketch have also been quite prominent over the years, and there have been other hosts that might be used but perhaps wouldn’t be suitable for Keanu as a character. One can just imagine the cries of appropriation that would come with trying to cast Keanu as Robbie, so it’s fair to say that his role would be either that of John Blaze or Dan Ketch, as these sound like the most feasible directions to move in. Seeing Reeves on a bike or in a car as the Ghost Rider sounds like a great idea, but given that the classic character that’s been loved by so many fans has usually been seen on a motorcycle, it does feel as though seeing Reeves on a badass motorcycle would be the wisest course.

credit: Marvel Comics
Ghost Rider is a big responsibility for any actor.
Nicolas Cage was a great choice at the time his movie was made, but things didn’t exactly progress in a manner that was supported by the fans. While the second movie was interesting in its own way, it fell short of being the type of movie that could continue the legacy of this character. Even the impressive showing of Robbie Reyes during his time on TV started to fade out after a while for one reason or another. Adding Keanu to the line of individuals that will be credited with this role would be a wise move since not only do the fans want it, but it does sound as though Keanu wants it as well. This is one of those times that the MCU would be seen as truly foolish if they ignored the fans.
Keanu is a skilled actor, so this choice does make sense.
Keanu has had a few rough patches over the course of his career, but ever since his role in The Matrix, he’s been a solid and extremely well-respected actor that many people have come to genuinely love thanks to his strength of character and his ability to turn one role or another into an impressive showing that people tend to talk about for months or even years on end. Seeing him join the MCU would be a great treat for a lot of people, but what it might do for his career is up in the air at this point.
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