Is Shawn Levy Teasing A Deadpool And Hulk Interaction?

Is Shawn Levy Teasing A Deadpool And Hulk Interaction?

Just when we thought we would have to wait for a director for Deadpool 3 to be announced, Shawn Levy has been reported to helm the long-awaited sequel. This is news we have been waiting for ever since the Disney/Fox merger was finalized back in 2019. Understandably so, we Marvel fans had many questions, especially in terms of our favorite Merc with a Mouth. We all know the X-Men would eventually find their way into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and when they do, Deadpool would surely follow them. After all, he was a part of the original Fox-produced X-Men universe. Wait, was he really? Honestly, who knows? As we X-Men fans all know, the idea of canon and continuity make very little sense in the old X-Men movies.

That’s okay, because despite their flaws, they gave us some great memories. Now, the team can only be improved in the MCU. Will Deadpool be a part of that? He has always been an on-and-off friend and foe of the X-Men and that’s something we should see in his third movie. I hope that’s something Shawn Levy touches on in the third movie, but as we all know, anything is literally possible when it comes to Deadpool. I’m sure I speak for all Marvel nuts out there when I say that I cannot wait for Deadpool 3.

I can make a whole list of ideas on what Shawn Levy could do for Deadpool 3. Aside from all the wackiness and bloody action that will surely come with it, we can all expect Deadpool to make an endless amount of jokes relating to the Disney/Fox merger. And with all the iconic Marvel characters in the MCU, can you imagine the amount of jokes Deadpool will direct towards them? Given the old and new characters joining the MCU, I think Deadpool will have a unique reaction with anyone he interacts with.

To be more specific, just imagine if Deadpool met the Hulk. If you have ever read any kind of Marvel comic with these two characters, it’s pretty obvious how that interaction would play out. A lot of chaos, a lot of destruction, and a lot of Deadpool being torn apart and healing. Oh, but don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll have plenty of weapons to combat the indestructible powerhouse that is the Hulk. If you don’t think that’s a fight Deadpool could win, then you don’t know Deadpool. I mean, yeah, he got ripped in half by Juggernaut, but come on, the guy literally grew back his whole bottom half.

Speaking of a Deadpool and Hulk interaction, Shawn Levy may have teased something like that could happen in the third movie. Keep in mind, this is just a little tease that could very well not even be a tease. Whenever it comes to the MCU, fans will look at literally everything with a magnifying glass just to claim that something big is being set up. How many times did fans think the X-Men were going to appears in the MCU before Endgame? What was even the evidence? Oh, just about everything, including Thanos having some scratches on his face. I mean, if Thanos had big scratches on his face, then they had to have been caused by Wolverine, right? Absolutely not, but hey, it’s fun to speculate. We all do it, even when it doesn’t always make sense.

As for this case, Shawn Levy took to his Twitter account and posted a rather curious post. In relation to his most recent movie, the Netflix-exclusive The Adam Project, Shawn Levy posted a picture of Ryan Reynolds and Mark Ruffalo together. Yeah, we Marvel fans automatically think about Bruce Banner and Wade Wilson sharing a tender moment, but apparently, so did Shawn Levy. Take a look at the post on his Twitter account and you’ll see the very transparent Deadpool and Hulk stickers right below the two actors. Coincidence? Actually, it very well could be, but I’m guessing Shawn Levy was having a fanboy moment. But what we really have to acknowledge here is that Shawn Levy is indeed the director of Deadpool 3.

If this was any other director posting this, I would have chalked it up to a pure fanboy moment. For the case of Shawn Levy, I think it boils down to two possibilities: he is either trolling us because he knows Marvel nuts will use his post to start a fire of speculation, or he really is teasing something for Deadpool 3. Let’s just take a minute and say that there is some smoke to his fire. I think Deadpool interacting with the Hulk would basically be Marvel throwing Deadpool, a complete outsider, to the alpha wolf. In this case, the Hulk is the ultimate challenge for Deadpool, but that wouldn’t stop him from making hilarious jokes about it. For instance, Wolverine’s first appearance in a comic book was when he fought the Hulk. Talk about an epic introduction, right?

Just take a minute to sink that in. How many jokes has Deadpool made about Wolverine in his two movies alone? If he were to meet the Hulk in Deadpool 3, I reckon he’ll make a reference to it. I doubt he’ll pass up on making a joke about a very short superhero like Wolverine taking on a towering powerhouse like the Hulk. Come on, breaking the fourth wall is his thing. As soon as he meets the Hulk, there is no way Deadpool will not reference Wolverine’s first Marvel appearance. I’m sure Shawn Levy knows of this and he probably had that in mind when he posted that photo. If that is indeed the case, then he could at the very least have that idea in mind for Deadpool 3.

Again, this is just us Marvel fans trying to make a mountain out of a molehill, but who cares? It’s part of the fun and for all we know, there could be some legitimacy behind this post. If Shawn Levy is teasing an interaction between the Hulk and Deadpool, I think it will be a great start for the latter’s introduction into the MCU. And just keep in mind, it will be rated R. Expect a lot of smashing and a lot of slashing. Both characters are almost impossible to kill, so this battle would likely go on for a while. Not that we mind.

What are your thoughts, Marvel fans? Do you think Shawn Levy is actually teasing something with this post? Let’s hope we hear an update on Deadpool 3 in the near-future.


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