10 Things You Didn’t Know about Grace Leer

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Grace Leer

American Idol is back, and it’s bigger and better than ever. Everyone has fallen madly in love with the judges who may not have been around since the inception of the show, but they’ve been in our hearts a long time. Katy Perry, Lionel Richie, and Luke Bryan bring their A game to the screen every single time the show is on, and it’s clear they are good at what they do. Each is a wildly successful singer and songwriter and performer and entertainer and, I could go on and on, but I won’t. Each one has their own style and their own way of doing things, but they all have one thing in common; they all recognize talent and know precisely what it takes to become a star. One such person is Grace Leer, who has made it into the current top on the new season of Idol, and each one of them knows she’s got a little something extra to offer. And, since we foresee her going a lot further in the competition, we thought we might get to know a little more about the new finalist.

1. She’s Country

She is nothing if not a total country singer. She’s been a country singer since the day she decided she loves the act of singing, and it is clear to us she’s good at it. She’s talented, she has the look, and she seems to have what it takes to do what she needs to do to make herself a successful person in the business.

2. She’s From NorCal

She was born and raised in Northern California, which is a gorgeous place to call home. She’s from the San Francisco area, and she’s someone who loves her roots. There is no shortage of country music around there, but she’s not someone who would have minded all that much if there wasn’t that much country music in the area, if we are being honest.

3. She’s Been Performing a Long Time

She developed love of singing and performing when she was just a little girl. She didn’t need anything more than just some good music playing to enjoy her talents, and she’s been doing it since she was around 8. Well, she’s been performing since then. We assume that means she knew how talented she was in the singing category long before that.

4. She’s Sung Publicly Before

She’s no stranger to performing in front of a crowd of people. She’s spent nearly 13 years of her life singing the National Anthem at professional sporting events near her home in San Francisco. She’s been able to perform in front of the crowd at San Francisco Giants’ games, Golden State Warriors games, San Jose Sharks games, and more. She’s been doing this every year for many years, so it’s clear other people are aware of her insane talents. She’s also been able to do some big things like open for country music stars like Clay Walker, who has been making successful hits since long before Leer was even alive. That, by itself, is quite the accomplishment, if you ask us. She’s good, and we will see a lot more of her.

5. She’s a Talented Athlete

Sometimes you find something you’re pretty good at doing and you work with that, but sometimes you recognize you are just so much more than one thing. For example, she’s not just a young woman who is good at singing and performing. She’s also good at soccer. So good, in fact, that she as given a soccer scholarship.

6. She’s A College Grad

She used her aforementioned soccer scholarship to take her to the University of California-Berkeley, where she graduated in 2015. This means she’s not only a college grad, but a college athlete as well. That’s a challenging path to take, but she took it, she did it, and she’s proud of it.

7. She’s Got a Band

After college, she decided it was time to do something about her music. She started a band. She did so with the help of Kyle Clouse, who is a singer and a songwriter. She met him a while back and he’s been helping her with her music since then. They’re pretty good working together, and she’s been able to release to singles that are available for download online. She calls her band the Grace Leer Band.

8. She’s Living in Nashville

When she and Clouse met, they realized that their skills and talents would be better utilized in a place such as Nashville. It’s not that California isn’t a great place to get your start, but Nashville is where it’s at if you want to be a country music star. She’s been living there, working there, and performing there for a number of years now, and she’s managed to make it work for her.

9. She’s the Baby of the Family

She’s from a big family, ane she is the baby. She has three older siblings, but she is the only one who seems at all interested in becoming a musician. She did what she had to do to become one, too. She performed in talent shows, school performances, and every single thing in between. Her entire family, older siblings included, has always been there to cheer her on, support her, and show her some love while she works so hard to become a star.

10. Gladys Knight Loves Her

If someone is going to compliment your music, someone who knows more about it than just about anyone else in the business is going to be that person. When Grace Leer was a little younger, she tried out and auditioned for a show called American Junior, which is the equivalent of the children’s version of Idol. Knight was a judge on the show, and she called Leer’s voice rich. She loved her voice and her ability, and that was the encouragement that young Grace Leer needed to pursue her dreams and start a career in the music industry.

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