Five Predictions on O.J. Simpson’s New Twitter Account

Yes, O.J. Simpson is on Twitter, and people are taking note in a big way. Well, those that are interested in this kind of thing are taking note at least. In a way, O.J. Simpson’s fame has kind of become less than news and more akin to when you stub your toe and have to finally get to noticing the fact that you should keep an eye on where you’re walking. Yeah, it’s about that important, but to those that have made it habit of following Simpson and his continued ‘career’ since the famous trial and since the trouble he was in following that, his life is something of a walking sideshow since to be honest that’s about all it can be these days. If we were living decades in the past and he was still considered to be an innocent man by everybody and not just those that believed in his innocence, then it might be different. He might actually be someone of interest even now if not for the manner in which some people have shunned him or allowed his name to drop off their lips like something foul over the years. But to think that he’s on Twitter now is just one more reason to avoid him since quite honestly the Twitterverse has become something of a less than desirable place to hang out as well.

Here are just a few predictions that have to do with his account and what could happen.

5. People are going to be watching it intently.

It’s amazing how old news tends to be picked up, dusted off, and made into something that people see as worthwhile even if there’s plenty of other material out there to focus on. O.J. would appear to still be someone that a lot of people take interest in when it comes to the things he does and says and likely as not his Twitter account is going to be something of interest for a while. Charles Creitz of Fox News seems to think that people are going to go nuts over this. Whether or not it will stay that way is a different matter entirely since even online a person’s fame can wane in an instant if there’s not enough going on to keep the people interested. Somehow though it seems as though enough folks are going to be paying attention in this case.

4. O.J. is going to say a lot of things that will tick the wrong people off.

This isn’t hard for anyone to do really since in this day and age you only have to utter a single word, phrase, or sentence in what can be perceived as the wrong manner and there will be dozens of people waiting to jump on your every word. Whatever O.J. might say on Twitter is bound to be under heavy scrutiny anyway so it’s safe to assume that people will be highly critical and will be looking for every possible reason to jump on him for anything they might perceive as wrong, harmful, or even a threat. It’s almost guaranteed that the majority of those who have an issue with whatever he says will simply be looking for something to be mad about, but it’s bound to happen all the same.

3. He’s going to try and stay relevant.

It might sound mean and cynical but people really don’t care as much about O.J. these days since the trial is considered to be history and the idea of him being anyone to really pay attention to has become somewhat dim and faded. His time in the spotlight has kind of come and gone and at this point he’s lucky to have even a notice here and there about what he’s doing and how his life is going. O.J.’s spotlight was fading when he left the NFL to be honest, and as of now it’s usually not much more than an article that a lot of people are going to try to jump on in an attempt to put their two cents in.

2. Eventually he’s going to say the thing and get himself in trouble.

Bruce Golding of the New York Post is just one among many that will be watching out for this. How much trouble is kind of up for debate since honestly Twitter usually shuts someone down before a person will really get into trouble, and if it gets that bad then the person likely allowed themselves to forget just how harshly the Twitterverse reacts to those that don’t watch what they’re saying. In many ways it would seem that O.J. might watch his words carefully, but after a while it might be that he’ll say the wrong thing to the wrong person and be reminded that despite his freedom of speech there are limits to how far you can take it.

1. He’s going to try and give his version of the story that made him famous again.

This is a big guess but it’s one that a lot of people seem to think could happen. His tale of the events that landed him in such trouble and yet got him so much publicity could spark quite a bit of outrage even for Twitter. If this did happen, hopefully it doesn’t, Twitter wouldn’t really explode so much as begin a slow burn that might fizzle out quickly since honestly, people were burned out during and after the trial, and there’s not a lot of folks that want to relive it.

As predictions go these might not be entirely accurate, but they do seem to highlight a few issues that might come up with O.J.’s Twitter presence.

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