10 Things You Didn’t Know about Dominique McElligott

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Dominique McElligott

Dominique McElligott seems like she’d be an easy person to find out about on web but to be honest she’s kind of elusive. She’s been in enough productions to have seen more than once and by many people that enjoy different genres, but if there’s that much to be seen on her then it has yet to surface, unless you’re counting interviews. She’s an astute actress that knows how to handle a role and can make her characters come to life in a very big way thankfully and she’s very believable in what she does. Why she’s not so well-known when it comes to her personal or even professional life is hard to think of but it seems to be a personal preference.

Here’s a few things that you might not have known about her.

10. She was away from her home for about 10 years at one point.

That’s the life of an actor unfortunately, you have to go where the jobs take you and many times it’s more feasible to live closer to your place of work than make the commute back and forth all the time. Even for an actor that has to get kind of expensive. But it’s always good to go home occasionally.

9. There’s not a lot of information on her when it comes to personal matters.

This seems to be a growing trend with actors as they don’t put as much of their personal information on the web. There are still many that don’t seem to mind putting everything about their life where anyone can see it, but more and more some people are choosing to keep their private life away from prying eyes as much as possible.

8. She’s from Dublin, Ireland.

In her parts you can’t really hear her accent all that much, which could only mean that she’s both talented and able to stifle her natural accent as much as possible. For some it’s a very difficult thing to do, but Dominique doesn’t seem to have much trouble.

7. She starred on Hell On Wheels.

This show was an absolutely brutal look at how life spent in service to the early railroad that sought to make its way across America was both tiresome and extremely rough. If one didn’t have to worry about Indian attacks then they had to worry about the ever-shifting morals of those within the camp. Eventually her character was a victim during one of the many debacles that went on in the show.

6. Her career started in 2001.

She’s been around for a while and knows the ins and outs of the business, so this could be why she feels that it’s necessary to keep her personal business well removed from her professional life. A lot of other actors have opted to keep their business and personal lives so close together that things get messed up occasionally in the press and their reputation takes a dive. Keeping things on a low profile seems like a wise move.

5. She was in House of Cards.

She played the part of Hannah Conway, the wife to the presidential candidate that was running against the Underwoods. Obviously things didn’t go too well since the Underwoods have made it clear that they don’t and won’t ever play fair. But hey, that’s the way things go in the world of politics it seems, at least on TV.

4. Her filmography is not quite that extensive.

In seventeen years she hasn’t done a whole lot when you really look at it but this could be more because she’s picking and choosing her parts carefully to mold them to what she wants and what she feels that she can do.

3. She’s done a lot of independent films.

The great thing about independent films is that often there’s a lot more creative freedom than you might get with big budget films and there’s a big market for Indie films as well. It’s also a good way to get noticed as Indie films have become pretty trendy throughout the years.

2. She’s been The Astronauts Wives’ Club.

This show was about the tales of the astronauts that were a part of the big Space Race back in the day, but from the point of view of their wives. It’s interesting to think of how this monumental event would have been seen from a different point of view and what it must have taken for the women involved to think that their husband might one day be going up beyond the known reach of humanity and so far out of reach that they had to worry if they would ever see them again.

1. She’s not a big fan of social media.

There’s not a lot of celebrities that will gladly eschew social media since it does allow their brand and name to grow but Dominique tends to dislike it enough to leave it alone much of the time.

Despite not releasing a lot of information about herself she’s still pretty popular.

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