10 Things You Didn’t Know about Debra Salmoni

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Debra Salmoni

Being able to look at a space and see its full potential is a talent that not everyone has. Debra Salmoni, however, is a pro when it comes to this. Her skills have taken her all the way to the HGTV series Vacation House Rules where she gets to share her love for design with the world. During her time on the show, Debra has become well-known for her keen eye and endless creativity. When Debra is on the job, you can bet that the finished product is going to be stunning. When she started her career she probably never thought that it would take her into the reality TV world, but she seems to be enjoying it. Keep reading to learn more about Debra Salmoni.

1. She Has Her Own Company

The work Debra does on Vacation House Rules isn’t the only experience she has in the design world. She also has a company called Debra Lillian Design. Although the company does have an official website, it doesn’t provide any information on the business’ offerings or history.

2. She Is Canadian

Debra was born and raised in Canada and as far as we know she has lived there for her entire life. As far as we know, she doesn’t have any plans to move. Luckily for her, Vacation House Rules is filmed right in Canada so she can stay close to home while working.

3. She Is A Private Person

Lots of people in the spotlight find it difficult to keep their business to themselves, but that is one problem Debra doesn’t seem to have. Debra hasn’t shared much information about her personal life. Instead, she prefers to keep all of the attention she gets on her work.

4. Her Husband Has A Cool Job

Debra isn’t the only person in her household who gets to do something awesome for a living. Her husband, Dave Salmoni, is an animal trainer who has been in the business for many years. Although he loves what he does, it also comes with a lot of risks. On one occasion he was attacked by a lion at a zoo in Canada.

5. She Loves Spending Time Outdoors

Most of Debra’s design work takes place indoors, but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t like to get out and explore from time to time. She loves being able to enjoy the beauty of nature. From camping to hiking and swimming, being outdoors is one of her favorite things to do. Plus, being outside can be a great way for people to relax their minds and enjoy peace and quiet.

6. She Used To Work In Marketing

Debra’s path to becoming a professional designer might not look the way you would assume. She attended Seneca College where she earned a degree in marketing. Not long after graduating, she entered the working world with a job in marketing and sales. It’s unclear when or why she decided to make the transition into the design. While the decision may have felt risky at the time, it has certainly paid off.

7. She Is A Mom

Family is one of the most important things in Debra’s world, and happy to have such close relationships with her loved ones. She and her husband are the proud parents of two children (a son and a daughter) and she looks forward to spending as much time with them as she can.

8. She Has Experience With Event Planning

Design may be what Debra is best known for, but in reality, she is a woman of many talents. According to Debra’s LinkedIn page, she earned an event planning certificate in 2007. Although design and event planning are different in a lot of ways, there are many overlapping skills between the two.

9. Vacation House Rules Appears To Be Her Only TV Experience

From what we can tell, Vacation House Rules is the first time Debra has done a TV show. However, now that she’s gotten her foot in the door, it’ll be interesting to see if she goes after any other opportunities in the entertainment industry. With her talent, the possibilities are truly endless.

10. She Is A Dog Person

I’m not sure if there’s any actual science behind it, but most people would probably agree that knowing whether someone is a dog or cat person can tell you a lot about them. Debra is a proud member of #teamdog and the Salmoni family has a pet of their own. Debra is also an advocate for adopting over buying from breeders and pet stores.dog

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