10 Things You Didn’t Know about David Visentin

Love it or List It

For well over a decade, David Visentin has been a fixture on millions of TVs thanks to his role in the HGTV series Love It or List It. Known for his exceptional knowledge as a real estate agent, David has helped countless people sell their homes and purchase their dream properties. He has a knack for being able to help people find exactly what they’re looking for and his skills have come in incredibly handy over the years. Although we’ve seen a lot of David over the years, many viewers may still feel like they don’t know much about him. The good news is that that’s about to change. Continue reading to learn 10 things you didn’t know about David Visentin.

1. Love It Or List It Isn’t His Only TV Experience

When David started his real estate career he probably never imagined that it would eventually lead him to the entertainment industry. Love It Or List It may be what David is most well known for, but it’s certainly not the only time he’s been on TV. David has appeared on several other shows including Brother vs. Brother where he was a judge from 2013 to 2015.

2. He Enjoys His Privacy

David may be a public figure, but he has never been the type of person who likes to share his every move with the public. Instead, David has remained relatively private over the years. Since we’ve all seen what can happen when people in the spotlight overshare, it’s easy to see why he would’ve chosen to be more low-key.

3. He Has Been Working In Real Estate For More Than 30 Years

If you thought David’s real estate career started when his TV career did, you’ve got another thing coming. He has actually been working in real estate since the late 1980s and his career has grown tremendously during that time. He is not one of the most successful real estate agents in Toronto.

4. He Isn’t Afraid of A Challenge

There are some people who shy away from difficult experiences, but David isn’t one of those people. He welcomes challenges and actually finds them to be fun. Having this mindset has worked in his favor because he’s had to deal with his fair share of difficult clients over the years.

5. He Loves To Stay Active

David’s schedule can get pretty hectic, but that doesn’t stop him from making time to do other things he enjoys. When David isn’t busy working, you can usually catch him doing something active. From biking to swimming, David isn’t the kind of person who sits still for long.

6. He Enjoys Hanging Out With Hilary Outside Of Work

Some fans of Love It Or List It may think that David and Hilary Farr don’t get along, but that’s not actually the case. During an interview with Realtor, David said, “We’re good friends, we hang out outside of the show. We go out for dinners, talk about the show, talk about life. But we’re both fairly competitive. So even outside of the show, we’ve been known to banter and we have to be very careful when we’re in public because sometimes we’ll just start in on each other. What you see on the show is kind of our relationship.”

7. Family Is Important To Him

Even though David is pretty quiet when it comes to his personal life, we do know that family is his top priority. Not only is he happily married, but David has close relationships with his brother and sister. As far as we know, David and his wife only have one child together.

8. He’s A Toronto Native

Since Love It Or List It is filmed in North Carolina, many people may be under the impression that David lives in the area. However, that isn’t the case at all. David was born and raised in Toronto, Ontario and he still lives there with his family. Hillary is also a native of Toronto.

9. He Loves Interacting With His Fans

Nobody in the public eye would be there without the love and support of their fans and that’s something that David understands fully. He loves getting the chance to meet and connect with his fans whether it be in person or on social media. It’s not unusual to see him responding to comments from fans on Twitter.

10. He Wanted To Go To Theater School

Working in real estate wasn’t always David’s dream. Instead, he considered acting. While talking to Realtor, he said, “I got into real estate because that’s what my father did, and still does. He’s semiretired, but he has been a real estate agent as long as I can remember. I came out of high school and was going to go to theater school, and he was, like, “Well, Dave, you’re not going to make any money doing that. Get your real estate license. Then if you want, you can go back to school.”real estate

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