28 Years Later: What to Expect From the Danny Boyle Sequel

28 Years Later has been in the works for a number of years but things are finally moving at a solid pace. Danny Boyle‘s upcoming movie will be a sequel to his cult classic, 28 Days Later, a British film that redefined the zombie genre. The film follows Jim (Cillian Murphy), a young man who wakes up from a coma to find himself alone in a deserted London, 28 days after a mysterious virus has turned the majority of the population into rage-infected, fast-moving zombies.

The film’s success spawned a sequel, 28 Weeks Later, directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo in 2007. While the follow-up retained the same post-apocalyptic setting and themes, it lacked Boyle’s distinctive visual style and storytelling, which made the original so memorable. However, Boyle is set to return for 28 Years Later and the film has officially entered pre-production and is wrangling its cast. So, here’s everything we know so far about 28 Years Later.

Who Will Star in 28 Years Later?

Although the casting process is still underway, 28 Years Later has found its lead stars. As of yet, it is unclear who will forefront the picture, however, it has been reported that Jack O’Connell will take on a supporting role. Reports are that 28 Years Later will be the first movie in a new trilogy and O’Connell will switch from a supporting role to a lead role in the second instalment. He is currently enjoying heightened fame from his roles in Michael Mann‘s Ferrari and the Amy Winehouse biopic, Back to Black. Before he shoots 28 Years Later, he is set to take on villainous role in Ryan Coogler‘s untitled movie, which Variety claims is an “original genre” piece.

Alongside O’Connell in 28 Years Later will be veteran British actor Ralph Fiennes (Spectre, In Bruges), rising actress Jodie Comer (The Bikeriders), and Aaron Taylor-Johnson (Bullet Train, The Fall Guy). Much like O’Connell, all three of these stars have climbed the ranks in British TV and film before transcending to Hollywood, with Taylor-Johnson being the current front-runner to take on the role of James Bond after Daniel Craig departed the franchise. With that said, it’s safe to assume that Taylor-Johnson may be leading 28 Years Later before the torch is passed on to O’Connell for the sequel.

Danny Boyle and Alex Garland Are Both Set to Return

28 Years Later Writer and Director Alex Garland and Danny Boyle

Since the success of 28 Days Later, writer Alex Garland and director Danny Boyle have both gone on to further triumphs. Garland made his directorial debut in 2014 with his movie Ex Machina, which saw him nominated for an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. In 2024, he wowed audiences and critics alike with his acclaimed dystopian movie, Civil War. Boyle also found further acclaim after 28 Days Later, winning an Oscar in 2009 for his helming of the movie, Slumdog Millionaire.

Although neither men were involved in the writing or directing process for the sequel 28 Weeks Later, they did serve as executive producers. However, with 28 Years Later, the duo will team up once again. The script has been penned by the two, and Danny Boyle will direct the movie.

What is the Plot of 28 Years Later?

28 Days Later Directed by Danny Boyle (2002)

As of yet, the plot of 28 Years Later has not been disclosed and appears to be being kept tightly under wraps. Yet, the name should give away the major premise of the movie, most likely taking place 28 years after the events of the first movie. With that said, adequate time has passed for Cillian Murphy to play an appropriately aged version of his character. As of yet, his name has not been mentioned amongst the cast, but he is acting as an executive producer. Given his Oscar win in 2024, he would certainly be a bankable star to add to the movie. Furthermore, he has expressed his desire to re-team with Alex Garland and Danny Boyle. When quizzed about the matter during an interview with the acting union SAG-AFTRA, he simply said, “I’m available.”

When Will the Anticipated Sequel Be Released?

Danny Boyle Directing

As of the time of writing, there has been no official date announced for the release of 28 Years Later. However, shooting is expecting to start soon. Before that, O’Connell will film on location in New Orleans for Ryan Coogler’s upcoming movie, and is said to be jumping straight into filming for 28 Years Later afterwards. So, this offers a slight insight into how soon the movie could start shooting. What’s more, it is reported that the sequels will shoot back-to-back, with Candyman (2021) director Nia DaCosta rumoured to be directing the second instalment. Until more is known, here’s our guide to Danny Boyle’s 5 best movies of his storied career.

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