Castle 4.11 “Till Death Do Us Part” Review

Castle 4.11 “Till Death Do Us Part” ReviewWell, that was a fun episode, wasn’t it? I think the best description for this week’s Castle, ‘Till Death Do Us Apart’, is adorable. The winter premiere of the ABC hit crime drama delivered a solid episode with all the trademarks of what we all like to call classic Castle. It was fun, the case was actually interesting (although I did guess right who the killer was when she first showed up on screen) and the lead up to Detective Ryan’s wedding was hilarious.

This episode felt very reminiscent of last season’s ‘Nikki Heat’, but in the way that it was just an all around good episode with a nice balance of humor, drama and mystery. The only scenes that fell kind of flat for me were the ones with Martha and Alexis, but that is most likely because I just plain wasn’t interested in them during the episode. That said, I loved everything else. From Esposito trying desperately to find a plus one, to Ryan’s determination to finish the cleanse — and that green stuff looked really nasty — I had a really great time on Monday night. I dare say that it was — unpopular opinion alert! — even better than ‘Cuffed’.

Castle 4.11 “Till Death Do Us Part” ReviewAlthough I never really cared all that much about Lanie and Esposito’s relationship, I am glad that things seem to be on the mend for them and I hope all that romantic air during the wedding served to push them back together, even if it was crazy funny watching Espo freak out about Lanie having a date. I have to say, though, one of my favorite scenes was when Ryan completely snapped and attacked his partner because of a doughnut. Seamus Dever was particularly awesome in this episode and watching him slowly lose it because he was so hungry was hilarious.

On the Castle and Beckett front, I am kind of torn. There were a lot of interesting moments throughout the episode — the numbers scene and that final moment before the wedding were particularly great — but after thinking about it and watching the episode again, it feels like we have come to a halt in their relationship. It seems to me that they are at that stage in which they know how they feel about each other, but they’re just so comfortable that it feels like they are afraid of making the next move. I mean, with the way Kate looks at him now — and Stana Katic has really mastered the girl in love expression — there is absolutely no way Castle doesn’t know or at least suspect that his feelings are very much reciprocated by the detective.

Castle 4.11 “Till Death Do Us Part” ReviewA really good example to show how things have changed is to compare the numbers scene from ‘Till Death Do Us Apart’to that scene in season one when Castle tells her to pretend they’re married (in ‘A Chill Goes Through Her Veins, if I am not mistaken) and she resolutely says no. That alone illustrates just how far Kate has come. I know the objective of TPTB is to keep them apart for a while longer, but it feels like they need to show us a very plausible reason for why they are not together yet. Because, for all intents and purposes, they already act like a couple minus the physical aspect. So, either get them together already or show us why they can’t be together yet, because just cute moments with them (even if they are awesome to watch) will get old fast and people will start tuning out. But that’s just me.

On a last note, I can’t leave out the symbolism of that last scene of them walking down the aisle together. Let’s hope we actually get to see that for real some day.

All in all, ‘Till Death Do Us Apart’was a really good, solid episode. A-


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