Big Brother 14 Second Double Eviction Review: It’s (Finally)A Wrap For Two House Guests

Big Brother 14 FrankNote to Big Brother producers and CBS: every eviction night should be a double eviction. Hell, make it next season’s twist if you must, because Double Eviction nights are hands down the best episodes of Big Brother ever.

Even though it was clear as Julie Chen’s skin that Frank was definitely going home last night, the shock on his face and his reaction afterwards was pure Big Brother gold. Frank’s interview afterwards with Julie Chen was a bit much, only because it was clear either production or Julie herself didn’t want Frank to go. Yes, Frank was a popular player this season, but seriously, weren’t they pressed for time? Moving on…

While Frank’s departure was seen a mile away, it was complete torture to see Dan pretty much doing everything in his power except produce Frank’s walking papers to make sure the guy took the walk of shame out the door to the jury house. Ian had a big part in it too, but it was Dan who had Frank thinking he was sitting pretty for another week, which is where my complete ire for Dan resurfaced. Personally, I had hoped Jenn would win the mini-HOH challenge to nominate and make sure Dan was sent packing right after Frank, but unfortunately Dan managed to pull the HOH win and made two of the most crazy nominations of the night.

First, Dan nominated Ian alongside Joe, which garnered a gasp from both myself and the audience, despite Dan declaring Ian needed to feel the pressure of being nominated for once. On the outside, Dan’s reasoning was sound, but deep down, it seems like it was Dan’s chance to get out the second most dangerous player in the house besides himself. I bet if Ian hadn’t of managed to win that Veto, he would have most definitely been the one with a one way ticket to the jury house. In other words, Ian might need to start plotting Dan’s demise as of yesterday.

The second shocking thing Dan did was nominate Danielle, which obviously took the girl by surprise. Again. I thought he would nominate Jenn, but I guess he felt that he still owed her after she saved him last week. But to nominate your closest ally when there were other obvious choices was not cool and should have been enough evidence for the other HGs to not trust anything Dan throws at them ever again.

So were guys satisfied with tonight’s outcome on Big Brother? Who do you think will win HOH (we know who the lucky person is already) and who do you think will go up for eviction next Wednesday?

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