10 Things You Didn’t Know about Antoine Fuqua

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Antoine Fuqua

Some directors are easy to praise because they’re big earners and can be tied to movies that have managed to captivate the attention of the audience, while others are easy to like since they tend to enjoy what they’re doing and still manage to get into the whole work aspect of it while never losing the wonder. Antoine Fuqua can attest to both of those since he’s made a good number of movies in his career that have really managed to gain the type of attention that people are willing to give to movies that are far and away some of the most stunning visual experiences that have been released to the big screen. It’s evident in some movies that he has a very big point to make with the material and the way it’s presented, but at the same time you can’t help but believe that he has a great deal of creative integrity and doesn’t bend all that much unless he has to.

Here are a few things you might not have known about Antoine.

10. He started his career by filming music videos.

This might be something that a lot of people know but it could also be a fact that some folks have forgotten since by the time Antoine moved on to movies it would seem that his fame was already starting to pave the way and people were willing to see what he could do instead of view what he’d done.

9. Antoine co-created a comic books series with Wesley Snipes.

This didn’t seem to last too long since it was a limited series but it’s another mark on his long and impressive resume that could one day bear fruition if needs another idea to fall back on. It’s always great to have something in the wings that you could possibly use, with permission of course.

8. There’s a rumor that he’s trying to remake Scarface.

It’s kind of hard to know how to feel about this one since Al Pacino’s version was so iconic and couldn’t possibly be topped unless Antoine has had a vision of how the movie could be made better. The action could definitely be ramped up, so could the body count, but the story is classic.

7. A lot of his movies have a political element of some kind.

You can see the evidence of this in a lot of his films since they are politically-minded, but the great part is that he doesn’t bog them down so heavily in the political aspect to which they belong at times. He definitely keeps the action rolling.

6. He was originally tapped to direct American Gangster.

This was back in 2004, and it sounds as though the budget just wasn’t there at the time so the movie just about got the axe, but eventually it was made in 2007 well after he’d been asked to do it. The same happened for Man on Fire, though he had to bow out since he was busy at the time.

5. It sounds like he didn’t get along with Bruce Willis during filming.

Funnily enough he got along just fine with Willis off the set, but during the filming of Tears of the Sun it sounds as though Willis and Antoine were constantly bickering at one another about one thing or another. That seems to be how things go on a film set sometimes.

4. He took to studying mythology on his own.

Some folks are simply bound to take up learning about one thing or another when they feel the need and quite honestly it’s impressive since it indicates a desire to learn as much as possible and simply incorporate as much as they can in their own works. Being a lifelong student isn’t a detriment to those that know how to use it.

3. Antoine is still very much in love with making and watching movies.

This is a huge up for his career and for his lifestyle since a director that is still in love with the industry and the idea of making movies and continuing to watch them is someone that hasn’t yet succumbed to the grind of the job aspect that grips a lot of people throughout their career.

2. He’s not exactly prominent on social media.

If his social media is really working it would appear that he’s not on it all that often, which isn’t too hard to believe since he sounds like a busy man. But the numbers are beyond low, they’re close to rock bottom in a way.

1. As of 2019 he has a net worth of $25 million.

Considering the movies he’s made, the contributions he’s made to the industry, and the ideas that keep pouring out of him it’s not much of a wonder why he’s worth this much. He’s a treasure among directors.

Hopefully he’ll stick around for a while to come.Bruce Willis

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