10 Things You Didn’t Know about Tanya Fear

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Tanya Fear

Tanya Fear is an up-and-coming actress who has starred in some amazing projects. She’s well-known for her role in the BBC drama “Doctor Who,” among other things. The British actress has many fans, but it’s her friends and family who are currently worried about the young actress. She’s been reported missing in Los Angeles. Her friends and family have not seen or heard from the actress since Thursday, September 9, 2021. She’s still missing, and the police report filed with the LA County PD provides this information. If you have any information on the whereabouts of this actress and missing person, please contact the Los Angeles Police Department.

1. She’s Not Tanya Fear By Birth

She was not born with the name Tanya Fear. She chose to go by Tanya, if we had to speculate, simply because it’s a little easier for her fans than her full name. Her full name at birth is Tanyaradzwa Fear. It’s a lovely name, but admittedly a lot for fans.

2. She Was Not Born in America

Fear was not born in America. She was born in Zimbabwe, but she wasn’t raised there for long. Her mother is from Zimbabwe, but her father is English. Her mother and father relocated the family from Zimbabwe to the United Kingdom when she was a child.

3. She is Using Her Real Name Again

Actress Thandie Newton went by “Thandie,” for much of her career, but she began to use her given name recently. As a result, she is now known as Thandiwe Newton. This has inspired Tanya Fear to begin using her full name, too.

4. She’s Living in LA

It’s been two months since the actress moved to LA to pursue her career in Hollywood a little more aggressively. Her family has missed her tremendously over that time, but never was there a time when she left home that they worried her moving to LA would result in her going missing. They are desperate for answers, and they are beyond hopeful they will find their daughter alive and well.

5. Her Manager States She Was Fine

Fear’s manager is Alex Cole, and he spoke to the actress several days before she was reported missing. He said she was fine during their conversation about work. He wasn’t worried about her at all, and she showed no indication of being upset, worried, fearful, or distracted. This has come as a shock to him as much as it has come as a shock to her own family.

6. She’s Easing into Standup

Because of her history with dramatics, some people do not realize that Fear is a hilarious comic. She’s funny, and she’s been working on adding comedy to her resume. She’s been working on her stand-up game for a few months now, and her following online and through social media has grown substantially as a result. She’s doing very well in her career.

7. She So Young

The actress is still so young. At the time of her disappearance, she’s 31. She’s so young, she still has such a beautiful and vibrant life and career ahead of her, and her family is so worried about her.

8. She Last Posted to Instagram in August

Her last post on the social media app came at the end of August 2021. She posted on August 30, and going back through the numerous photos she shared in August, she seemed to be happy, healthy, and thriving. She shared comedy videos, she shared thanks to actress Alfie Woodard for the encouragement she sent the young actress and comedian, and she seemed to have no care in the world other than just living her best life.

9. She’s All About Empowerment

Those who know her well know that Tanya Fear is a woman who finds joy in empowering other women. She wants them to succeed, and she recognizes that there is room for everyone to do just that. She works to ensure that women are doing their best, living their best, and being their best, and it’s always been something that is close to her heart.

10. She’s a Fan of Kindness

Something else the world should know about Tanya Fear is that she simply wants the world to be a kinder place. She wants to see more kindness in society. She wants to see people happier and behaving well, treating one another with respect and kindness, and just being nice. Why? Because that’s the kind of person she is, and that’s the kind of hope she has for those in the world around her.moving to LA

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