10 Things You Didn’t Know About Kurt Fuller

Kurt Fuller

You may not know him by name, but we’re willing to bet that if you see his face you would say, “Oh, yeah! I saw him in_______” Yes, this actor has been in more movies and television shows than you can shake a stick at; so many, in fact, that most everyone recognizes him…but it’s his name that doesn’t seem to come to mind right away. He’s Kurt Fuller. You may remember him from ‘Supernatural’, ‘Wayne’s World 2′, or ‘Scary Movie’. You may even recall him from ‘Ghostbusters II’ or ‘No Holds Barred.’ There are many more, more than we can list here, but Kurt Fuller is well-known, even if not by name. It’s surprising that we don’t know more about this versatile character actor than we do.

So, let’s take the time to get to know him better, shall we? Below we have another of your favorites: Our ’10 Things You Didn’t Know’ list. The topic this time is none other than Kurt Fuller, American actor. The truth is, none of us really know very much about him, so this should be interesting. If you are a connoisseur of movie trivia, the following should be highly palatable for you, adding to your data base with hearty gusto. Read on to learn more about an actor we should all be much more familiar with by now.

1. Early Life & Personal Facts

Kurt was born on September 16, 1953 in San Francisco, California. He is Jewish. In 1993 he married his wife, Jessica Hendra, and actress and writer. The pair have two daughters, Charlotte and Julia. The couple currently resides in Los Angeles. Kurt is a Virgo.

2. His First Television Role…And Others

Kurt’s first role was actually a bit part in the popular 80s television drama ‘Knight Rider’, starring David Hasselhoff. He took the role in 1984, when the program was at the height of its popularity. Other television shows he has appeared in are ‘Scandal’ with Kerry Washington (4 episodes), ‘Psych; as Woody the Coroner, and on ‘Supernatural’ as Zachariah.

3. Life Before Acting

Before he took to the stage and screen, Fuller was a realtor in Los Angeles for ten years. In the evening hours, he acted on the stage. At one point in those years, his nervousness overcame him during one audition, and he fainted right in the middle of it. Since his early days, Fuller has made more than 100 acting appearances in television series and television movies.

4. Colonel Klink?

More than once people commented that Fuller resembled Werner Klemperer, who played Colonel Klink on ‘Hogan’s Heroes’. While we can only see a smidgen of a resemblance (if you had forgotten to wear your glasses, maybe…or just because of the receding hair line), the mirror-like image was recognized by enough people that he was cast in the 2002 movie about actor Bob Crane’s life, ‘Auto Focus’. No, he didn’t play Crane…he was cast as actor Werner Klemperer, the Nazi colonel himself.

5. Education

After high school, Kurt attended the University of California at Berkeley, California. There he studied English Literature. He graduated with his Bachelor of Arts degree in 1976, but became a realtor shortly thereafter. He didn’t really start acting professionally until eight years later, when he snagged the bit part in ‘Knight Rider’.

6. Kurt Fuller On Growing Up Kurt Fuller

According to Marriedbiography, Kurt has much to say about growing up in his own shoes. He is quoted on the site as stating the following in regards to the topic: “I grew up as a very sarcastic person. I was always the class clown, and to date girls I had to be really funny. I was really skinny growing up. I was so thin I had to run around in the shower to get wet. That kind of thin. So I always had to rely on humor and sarcasm.” Well, that’s a pretty THIN excuse, but we’ll buy that.

7. Awards He Has Won

Fuller is, indeed, an actor who has been nominated for awards, though he still hopes to win one. In 2012 he was part of an Ensemble Cast nomination for the Gold Derby Award along with his ‘Midnight in Paris’ co-stars. Prior to that, in 2011, he and his co-stars from the same movie were nominated for the Phoenix Film Critics’ Society award for Best Ensemble Acting. We certainly hope his day for winning comes, as the parts he has played have managed to hold up many a television show and film.

8. Fuller’s Fun Birthday Facts

…Of which there are several. According to Today Birthdays, the name ‘Fuller’ means ‘cloth bleacher’ (?), which makes us laugh. As we mentioned earlier, he is a Virgo. His birthstone is the sapphire, and the year he was born was the Year of the Snake in the Chinese zodiac. It was summertime at the time of his birth, and he now has to wait 295 days until his next birthday. Well, happy birthday ahead of time, Mr. Fuller.

9. Social Media

These days it isn’t surprising to see members of the older set participating in social media, especially if they are in the entertainment industry. Fuller is active on Twitter and you can check him out at @TheKurtFuller on that site. He also has an Instagram account that you can follow him on, which can be found at @therealkurtfuller. So, if you happen to be a Fuller fan, these are the spots where he is alive and kicking!

10. According To the Stars…

Yes, Kurt Fuller is a Virgo. According to Astrology.com, the Virgo man is always mentally busy, and is consumed with organizing his thoughts. He enjoys order, peace, and contentment, and focuses on making sure that his world and his surroundings are conducive to those things, as it helps his busy mind find serenity. If they don’t have enough to do they may find themselves worrying or overthinking to the point of worry, and they can be their own worst critics, both personally and professionally. He also has very particular tastes when it comes to love, mostly preferring the ‘higher-end’ choices on the menu, so if you are one who likes basics when it comes to what you ‘eat’, the Virgo male is likely not for you.

So, there’s the low-down on character actor Kurt Fuller! Now that you know his name, it will be much easier to identify him when viewing one of his countless appearances on television or in the movies. Since his net worth is estimated to stand at the $3 million mark, approximately, we can tell that his chosen profession has not proven fruitless. The fact that most everyone recognizes him by face alone says even more than the dollar signs. Here’s to hoping that this veteran actor finally sees an award, because he deserves one for stamina at the very least. Here’s to you, Mr. Fuller!

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