Why 21 Jump Street Is The Perfect Reboot

Amazingly, it’s been 11 years since the first 21 Jump Street hit theaters. The 2012 feature saw Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum play Schmidt and Jenko. The two cops join a Jump Street unit, using their youthful appearance to go undercover as high school students. The aim? To shut down a dangerous drug ring. The remake was based on a modern popular television series of the same name. Johnny Depp got his fame from the 21 Jump Street series, which ran for a total of five seasons.

Doing a reboot is extremely tricky. Oftentimes, executives remake films or shows because it’s an easy cash grab. The problem is that the remakes rarely add anything new to the source material. In fact, some reboots are a weak scene-for-scene copy of what came before it. However, 21 Jump Street is different. It changed up the police drama narrative and enhanced a production that was mediocre at its best.

Making 21 Jump Street An Action Buddy Comedy Was A Smart Decision

Why 21 Jump Street Is The Perfect Reboot

The brilliant thing about 21 Jump Street is the pairing of Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum. Before the 2012 feature, Tatum wasn’t exactly known for his comedic chops. Sure, he was in films like She’s the Man and The Dilemma. But those were relatively small roles that didn’t give him much of the spotlight. This film proved that he’s a pretty good actor, and his chemistry with Hill is incredible. The story itself is simple, but the plot isn’t particularly about the drug case itself’.

It’s a relatable story about two men who relive their high school years and have to conform to changes that every teenager goes through during that period. The classic fish out of water story is perfect. Hill has impeccable comedic timing, and being the nerdy/shy guy is right up his alley. They genuinely seem like brothers. It helps that the sharp script finds ways to bounce off the pair’s chemistry. But the challenges that both Jenko and Schmidt face throughout their time in school enhance the plot overall.

The jokes never dictate the narrative — they organically flow, and the wild car chase at the end perfectly capped off the entire film. Needless to say, a wild and hilarious romp that infuses action, comedy, and drama together pretty well. The overall plot isn’t the most original thing out there, but 21 Jump Street is more hit than miss.

The Supporting Cast Was Perfect

Why 21 Jump Street Is The Perfect Reboot

Captain Dickinson (Ice Cube) is the stereotypical angry black man. A Physical Education teacher who happens to be a drug lord. A teacher who desperately hits on her student. The R-rating for the film allowed the writers to create fun and over-the-top characters truly. However, 21 Jump Street is grounded more often than not because Phil Lord and Chris Miller were wise enough to tap into a relatable subject.

No matter how many years go by and how society changes, social cliques will always exist. It’s a harsh environment at a certain age when tweens and teens are still trying to figure out the world. The basis of the movie is that it’s okay to be yourself because nobody is perfect. The diverse casting in the film exemplifies that notion. The surprise cameos from the original cast members were great, especially Depp’s return in the third act.

The 21 Jump Street Reboot Never Relies On The Nostalgia

21 Jump Street movie cameo

Too many times remakes bank on nostalgia to reach old fans. However, Lord and Miller use the original premise but modernize the film so new generations can understand the plot. It also does enough to keep old-school fans of the series hooked. 21 Jump Street isn’t the greatest comedy ever made. However, it’s certainly one of the best remakes in the 21st century.

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