credit: Yellowstone
A lot of people gripe about the idea of politics being played in their favorite shows, but there are times when this element makes things a little more interesting since there are characters that can take on the idea of politics in a way that many of us would prefer, meaning that the character’s actions make sense. John Dutton isn’t a politician, he’s made that loud and clear in the past, and that still appears to be sinking in when it comes to his staff, as firing an entire advisory board might sound drastic to anyone that’s ever served as a state representative or even spent time in an official position. But to Dutton and to the audience, no doubt, it makes sense to cut weight when needed since there do appear to be plenty of jobs in the political field that don’t make a lot of sense to keep around. That’s the sensible reaction, of course, but it does feel that John is building more problems than he’s solving since at this point, he’s making far more enemies than allies. Despite that, however, John appears determined to keep Montana wild, no matter the cost.

credit: Yellowstone
Politics get kind of messy no matter where they pop up.
A lot of movies and TV shows tend to suffer a bit once politics start becoming involved since the fact is that a story isn’t always geared to make sense, but it’s usually best to play to the audience and not to the political leanings of one idea or another. However, in Yellowstone, politics have played a bigger part this season, and during the fourth season, thanks to John’s realization that to stop Market Equities it’s going to take a stronger hand to remind the corporation that they have less pull in Montana. His bumbling, stumbling dive into politics at this time is proving that he doesn’t know as much as he needs to, but it’s also shining a light on the fact that politics, in the industry and in real life, are often a bunch of niceties that are made up to hide away the fact that politicians don’t always have the best interests of the people at heart.
Beth and Jamie are on a collision course.
This has been the case for a while since the two Dutton children, one natural and one adopted, have rarely ever gotten along for more than a moment, with Beth reminding Jamie every step of the way that he’s not a ‘real’ Dutton. With an assault charge looming in her future though, Beth’s reliance upon Jamie to get her off the hook still makes it feel that she has every advantage. The tourist whose head she used like a pinata is barely a speed bump as Jamie gets her off the hook with a lesser charge, but when Beth learns about Jamie’s son after taking note of the car seat in his vehicle, the sudden flip she experiences is enough to make it clear that she’s not going to let it go that Jamie has a son named after him and that he essentially ruined her life so many years ago. One might think that Beth would finally sit down with Jamie to figure out their animosity and find a way to forgive and move on, but that isn’t Beth’s nature, obviously, and moving on usually means that Beth is going to drag Jamie kicking and screaming into whatever she needs him to do. With Jamie hooking up with the disruptive woman hired by Market Equities, though, it remains to be seen what Beth will do next.

credit: Yellowstone
The matter of the wolves isn’t going away quickly.
Desperate measures are often taken by those who find themselves backed into a corner, whether it’s by their own doing or not. The shooting of the wolves that came onto the ranch became a huge issue when Rip and the others attempted to make it look as though the wolves had left the valley. The biggest mistake was using the river since no wolf in history has ever been known to swim a river for five miles, and worse yet, it doesn’t matter if the technology is good enough to make such an assumption. The fact that the trackers were found in the river is enough to bring the EPA down on the ranch in a big way. The fact that John has had Summer released from prison doesn’t sound like it’s going to be enough to keep this issue from flaring again, but it’s better than nothing.
John and Thomas Rainwater might actually be the key to fighting against any future intrusions into the valley.
Things certainly haven’t gone the way that anyone would have expected thus far, but there is a lot of foreshadowing going on that suggests certain characters won’t be able to last too long, either because of something that’s a byproduct of their own doing, or something that they didn’t see coming. Yellowstone has made it clear since season one that no one is being given a safe pass from the debilitating touch of depression and/or tragedy, so now it’s only a matter of following the story to find out whose journey is going to end before the story is told.
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