Emma Roberts Rumored to Play Spider-Woman: What to Expect

Emma Roberts Rumored to Play Spider-Woman: What to Expect

MCU’s Wishlist and the Potential Introduction of Spider-Woman

According to Evan Lewis of We Got This Covered, the MCU is operating on the idea of having a wish list of characters that they’d like to see hit the screen eventually. For many fans, this is a great thing to realize since it means that there’s a lot more to come, and the movies and TV shows are bound to get even more exciting and more immersive than we’ve already seen. When you look at the Marvel roster, it’s easy to get the idea that if Disney wants, they could keep the Marvel movies and shows going for years to come, so long as they’re able to tie things into each other in a way that makes sense and continues to move forward without having to go backward that often. Spider-Woman is a character that many of us might remember fondly or not all that well since she’s been pushed more than once in the comics and she’s even made it as far as TV thus far. The rumor is that she’ll show up in the next Spider-Man movie, but whether that’s true or not has yet to be confirmed. What is interesting is that Emma Roberts appears to be getting looked at to take on the role of the red-suited heroine that a lot of people don’t know that much about.

Adapting Spider-Woman’s Origin for the MCU

Like any of the heroes in the MCU, it’s fair to say that Spider-Woman’s intro to the big screen might very well be changed just enough so as to fit the narrative that the execs at Disney want to push. What that means is that the origin that she has at the current moment in the comics might be switched just enough to make it feasible that she’ll fit into the MCU in a certain way rather than how she’s already been introduced into the comics. If you know anything about the MCU at this point, many people would claim that they do, then you realize just how much things have changed from the comics. She already has a pretty convincing back story, but given that those directing the movies and shows might have reason to switch things up just a bit, we might see Roberts, if she’s willing, take on a slightly different role in the MCU that will have her brought in as a Hydra agent and given a different spin so as to create a little more tension in the overall story. It would be an interesting explanation as to why and where they’ll bring this character in, but as always, without confirming it, there’s nothing to say that it will happen anytime soon since scheduling and negotiations need to take place before anything can be set in stone.

Emma Roberts: From TV Star to Superhero?

Emma Roberts has been on the rise for a while but has been taking bigger strides on TV than she has in movies, really, despite her roles in Scream 4 and We’re The Millers. Her time spent as a big part of American Horror Story for four seasons and appeared in a fifth for at least an episode. Maybe coming back to the big screen as a superhero will be a good test of how far she can stretch herself once again since at this point it’s kind of obvious that she can thrive on TV. Or maybe Spider-Woman would be best served on Disney+ with her own show or by being introduced in another of the shows that’s coming out eventually. Imagine if she was depicted during the show starring Wanda and Vision, or Falcon and Winter Soldier, that would be an awesome lead-in really since it would at least come close to the espionage factor that her role in the Marvel universe has seen in the past. At this point, though, it might be best to keep her as a young woman, hence the use of 28-year old Roberts since she has the youthful vigor and appearance that’s needed. When trying to imagine Roberts in the skin-tight red suit and mask, though, it’s kind of obvious that some changes are going to need to be made since the adolescent fantasies that have helped to fuel the appearance of so many characters will likely need to be changed in order to be a little more tactical and less fantastical. Keep in mind this was done with Black Widow and Captain Marvel as well, and their appeal has been able to remain since the strength of each character has been enough to keep them in the public eye without having to show any excess skin.

Reimagining Spider-Woman’s Costume for the Big Screen

If you feel the need to argue, then take a look at the Spider-Woman images from the comics and then try again. Her costume has undergone a few changes throughout the years already, but in order to really bring her to the screen and make it possible for people to accept her, it’s going to take a little work.

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