10 Things You Didn’t Know about Trina Njoroge

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Trina Njoroge

Trina Njoroge is looking for love. She’s ready to settle down, to find someone with whom to share her life, and she is ready to put the past in the past and look forward with someone who makes her happy and brings her joy. She’s decided to find that man on “Love Island USA,” and she’s currently hanging out in Hawaii looking to find the man of her dreams alongside a bevy of other beautiful women also looking to find love. Will she? Will she find the man of her dreams and live her own happily ever after? We don’t know, but she’s someone it’s time to get to know a little better as the show airs shortly and fans are already curious who is looking for love.

1. She is 24

She is not the oldest, and she is not the youngest on the show right now. She’s a young woman with a lot to offer, and she does not feel she’s too young to find her forever. She has a long history of knowing what she wants and working hard to make it happen as soon as possible, and finding her forever is something she’s happy to do at this age.

2. She’s a California Girl

She’s currently living in Hacienda Heights, but she also spends a lot of time traveling. She is regularly in the OC taking Instagram photos of herself in Newport Beach and Laguna, and she seems like the kind of woman who is happiest by the water (aren’t we all, though?).

3. She Thinks She’s a Catch

She is not a woman who does not know her own worth and value. She is a catch. If she were a man on the show she’s currently starring in, she’d date herself. She’s smart, she’s talented, she’s gorgeous, and she has a great personality to go along with it. She knows her value, and she’s not afraid to make sure the man in her life recognizes just how much she is worth.

4. She’s in the Medical Field

Trina Njoroge is a psychiatric nurse. She worked hard to achieve this specific goal in her life, and she’s been working as a licensed and certified nurse since 2018. She’s good at what she does, and she has a passion for her career. She’s been working long enough now to know that what she does touches lives and makes a difference, and she loves it.

5. She Knows How to Find all the Red Flags

Because of her job as a nurse in the psychiatric field, she’s good at knowing what a red flag looks like. In fact, this might just be why she is currently single. She knows what a man has to offer, what it might look like if he is not being genuine, and she knows when to look for certain signs and how to recognize the things other women might not see.

6. She is a Beauty Queen

She was chosen as the Miss Hacienda Heights titleholder, and she got to move on to compete for the title of Miss California. She did not win the title in the end, but she did get to participate in the pageant, and she worked hard to represent herself with intelligence, class, and determination. She might not hold the title, but she’s clearly a winner.

7. She is Smart and Ambitious

When she became licensed as a psychiatric nurse back in December of 2018, she did so during an accelerated course. She worked hard, she graduated at the top of her class, and she even did it all while serving as her own class president. She does admit the accelerated program was difficult, but she was up for the challenge.

8. She is a Model

In addition to working in the medical field, she is also a model. She has more than 10k followers on Instagram, and she often posts her modeling shots and photos. She’s quite good, and we see why brands and clients want to work with her.

9. She is Close to her Family

Her family is everything to her. She does everything she does for her mom and dad – who are beyond adorable, by the way – and for her little brother and sister. She’s there for them for every big moment and small one, and she is so proud of all that they have accomplished. It’s clear that her parents did a wonderful job raising their three kids because they are close, and they spend a lot of time together.

10. She Loves Her Friends

When she’s not working or with her family, she is with her friends. She seems to have a close group of them, and they seem to have a great time together. Really, at the end of the day, the best things in life are ethe people you get to share it with.

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