Does Transformers: Rise of the Beasts Have a Post-Credits Scene?

After a five-year hiatus, the Autobots are back with the release of Transformers: Rise of the Beasts and nostalgic fans want to know if there’s any need to sit around for a post-credits scene. The seventh installment in the popular Transformers live-action film series and the standalone sequel of Bumblebee (2018), Rise of the Beasts premiered on June 9, 2023. With the rave reviews gathered by Bumblebee upon its release, Rise of the Beasts had big shoes to fill. Suffice to say, it’s living up to the hype.

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts introduces new human characters and more Transformers factions to the franchise, teasing fresh story elements in the promised sequels Transformers 8 and Transformers 9. The 2023 movie has Anthony Ramos (Noah Diaz) and Dominique Fishback (Elena Wallace) in the lead human roles while some of the major Transformers were brought to life by Peter Cullen (Optimus Prime), Ron Perlman (Optimus Primal), Peter Dinklage (Scourge), Michelle Yeoh (Airazor), and Pete Davidson (Mirage). Paramount saved the best for last, teasing a possible G.I. Joe/Transformers crossover movie at the end of the 2023 Transformers 7. The post-credits also have a pleasant surprise in stock for ardent fans of the franchise.

How Many Post Credits Scenes Are in Rise of the Beasts?

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

Rise of the Beasts doesn’t have a post-credits scene but there is one mid-credits scene. This means moviegoers will only need to sit through part of the credits to get a glimpse of what the future holds for the franchise. While the Transformers 7 mid-credits scene doesn’t give away much, it sheds light on the fate of one of the protagonists, Mirage. The movie ended with the Autobot who transformed into an Iron Man-like suit for Noah Diaz to fight with, sustaining severe injuries during a faceoff with Scourge. As such, Mirage’s fate was not clear until the mid-credit scene reveals Diaz fixing the Autobot. This secures the future of Pete Davidson’s character in the highly-anticipated second installment in the trilogy set off by Rise of the Beasts.

What’s Next for the Transformers Franchise?

Transformers Rise of the Beasts

While details are still rolling out, it appears that Transformers: Rise of the Beast is the beginning of a trilogy. Paramount has confirmed that 2023’s Rise of the Beasts is the first part of a trilogy and the next offering, Transformers 8 is in the works. Beyond the plans to churn out two more Transformers movies, there is also the possibility of teaming up with another big franchise as teased in the Transformers: Rise of the Beast ending. In the final scene of Rise of the Beasts, Agent Burke (Michael Kelly) and Noah Diaz meet and Burke who works for G.I. Joe as an undercover recruiter offers Diaz a job. This doesn’t just reveal a potential G.I. Joe and Transformers crossover but cements Mirage’s future in the franchise. The Autobot is expected to tag along if Diaz takes the job.

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