The Release Date of “Titans” Season Four Has Officially Been Confirmed

The Release Date of “Titans” Season Four Has Officially Been Confirmed

Credit: Titans

Titans is back! The adult-themed DC show that follows Dick Grayson (aka Nightwing), Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, and other young superheroes is confirmed to return on November 3. With everything that’s happened to Discovery-Warner Brothers in 2022, shows like Titans have been on the back burner because of the concern of cancellation. Luckily, season four was confirmed at DC Fandom and the show remained on schedule despite all the changes and cancellations on the streaming network.

Titans gained the attention of audiences in 2018 when Dick Grayson made his intentions clear about a certain caped crusader following a fight by saying, “F**k Batman!”. Given the fact that this is the first live-action adaptation of the Teen Titans, it was naturally a curiosity that had fans intrigued. It also helped that Titans had a promising trailer. Of course, one of the weirder things about the Titans universe is the lack of Victor Stone (aka Cyborg). Oddly enough, Stone made his debut in Doom Patrol back in the first season, and we also can’t forget about Ray Fisher playing the popular character in Justice League.
There’s never been an official reason why Cyborg isn’t in Titans; however, there’s also never been any sort of shutdown on the character popping up sometime in the future. Nevertheless, though the DC show isn’t a particular awards favorite due to the plethora of content currently out on television and media in general, Titans typically receives glowing reviews from fans and critics alike. The plan for the upcoming season will see a two-episode premiere next month, with new episodes dropping weekly until December 1. However, Part II of Season Four will return with six new episodes sometime in 2023.
Each season, the Titans end up with a new foe. In addition to the news of its release date, a creepy and dark teaser was released, strongly hinting that the upcoming season will focus on Brother Blood, The Church of Blood, and Mother Mayhem entirely. Full plot details remain scarce about the upcoming adventures for Nightwing and the Titans gang, but the teaser seems to guarantee something darker than in previous years. The Cosmic Circus managed to get an NYCC Interview with Titans star Brenton Thwaites, and the Dick Grayson actor spoke about the upcoming season with a little more depth, but he doesn’t spoil much about what’s on the horizon.
“I’m really excited for fans to see the attention to detail and the specificity that was written into the backstory, into our villain. You know, we really do, me and Greg [Walker] have a conversation before every season about who’s the villain, who they’re gonna get. It needs to be someone that makes us feel unsafe, and that can threaten us.
And you know, right in the very first episode, we’re throttled. We have to figure out who these people are, and how to fight them. There’s supernatural villains this year. So it delves into an area that Dick Grayson was not familiar with. So he has to kind of reach out and involves people into his little circle that he necessarily wouldn’t like to involve, like Jinx.
The Release Date of “Titans” Season Four Has Officially Been Confirmed

Credit: Titans

And I think for the fans, they’ve seen a certain thing in (seasons) 1, 2, and 3. We’ve seen the hand-to-hand combat side of Dick Grayson that he’s learned with Batman. We’ve seen some great fights with Deathstroke, we’ve seen the psychological thriller, the storyline with Crane, and that was a great villain. We’ve seen a Titan go rogue, with Red Hood. And this is a chance for fans to really attach to the supernatural, dark magic, the occult, and horror elements that I feel like a lot of fans in this genre, also love. So it’s kind of mixing a lot of elements that, that we haven’t ever done before.”

The interview dives a bit further into Nightwing’s character, his dynamic with the other Titans members, and so much more. Though not much has been shown so far, the upcoming Titans season does look promising. Hopefully, the introduction of a supernatural villain does the characters and story justice.

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