Credit: Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
The story of Jeffrey Dahmer is a famous one. The man is a killer, a sex offender, and a monster. He not only murdered but dismembered at least 17 young men and grown men from the time he was 18 until he was caught in 1991. Jeffrey Dahmer was a monster, and his story is now being told on television, thanks to Netflix. What’s insane, however, is the way this story has changed the viewpoint of people who always knew the story of Jeffrey Dahmer. The monster, murderer, psycho.
The way the world is reacting to this Netflix project is disturbing, with Dahmer Halloween costumes being sold online, women touting how ‘hot’ Dahmer is and how good-looking he is, and even a Texas pizza restaurant naming a pizza after him as if he is some hero. He took the lives of at least 17 men who were sons, fathers, brothers, and friends…and their families continue to suffer. The story of Jeffrey Dahmer is not a good one.
Dahmer’s Early Life
His early life is one that’s been speculated on many times. Dahmer’s parents did not give him enough attention. His mom was depressed and allegedly attempted suicide. His father was a chemist who worked too much. Dahmer lived with many mental disorders, including borderline personality disorder, psychotic disorder, schizotypal personality disorder, and more. He reportedly found dead animals fascinating as early as age four, and he allegedly took the lives of animals so he could cut them open and play with their bones.
His teenage years were spent drinking heavily. He was still killing animals and collecting their bones in a hut on his family’s property in Ohio. However, teachers and staff in his high school found him polite, intelligent, and quiet. During this time, he realized he was gay but did not come out. He did have a boyfriend. Three weeks after his high school graduation, he picked up a man who was hitchhiking and killed him. Interestingly enough, he then enrolled in Ohio State University courses, but it didn’t last. He then enlisted in the Army. He was sent to Germany to sever as a combat medic. However, he was kicked out due to alcohol abuse. From there, his life became an even bigger mess.

Credit: Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
The Jeffrey Dahmer Pizza
A pizza place in Lubbock, Texas, had the not-so-bright idea of offering a Jeffrey Dahmer special. The pizza is covered with ramen noodles, eyes, and even fingers, and it did not sit well with…anyone. “This is horrible! I am so tired of all the ‘celebration’ over Dahmer. I remember when all of that went down. I didn’t like it then, and I am definitely not going to watch the Netflix series about him,” said one person after finding out about the pizza.
eBay Sold a Dahmer Costume for Halloween
When eBay decided to get in on the action, the site offered a Dahmer-inspired costume for purchase. We have no idea how many people purchased this horrible costume, but it was removed from the site. The selling website claims that the items are not available to purchase after pulling them for policy violation. Perhaps people are okay with dressing as fictional murderers for Halloween, but dressing as a real one who was taking lives as recently as 30 years ago is inappropriate and gross.
Families of Dahmer Victims Are Not Happy
When Netflix announced this show, the people who lost loved ones were largely unhappy. Coming forward to say that the Netflix people never warned them or asked them, and they’re unhappy. Watching the story of the man who took the lives of their loved ones in perhaps the most gruesome and horrible way is not easy for these families, and they are upset. Errol Lindsey is one victim of Jeffrey Dahmer, who didn’t get to live a full life. His sister, Rita, is unhappy. “I was never contacted about the show. I feel like Netflix should’ve asked if we mind or how we felt about making it. They didn’t ask me anything. They just did it. But I’m not money hungry, and that’s what this show is about, Netflix trying to get paid.

Credit: Dahmer – Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story
Many surviving family members find it difficult to think about this, and seeing the show being touted as ‘genius’ is difficult. There is nothing genius about the man who killed their loved ones, dismembered them, and ate pieces and parts of their bodies. Netflix should feel bad about this, but they’ve not said a word.
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