The Terminator franchise remains a name of note in the popular consciousness. However, there can be no doubt about the fact that the most recent installments in the series have been rather lacking. Fortunately for people who care about the fate of the Terminator franchise, it has been known for some time that James Cameron is producing a new installment that will be headed up by Tim Miller. Moreover, new pieces of news have been coming out about the new Terminator movie on a regular basis, meaning that it is clear that progress is being made. For proof, look no further than the latest piece of news about the cast members who have been added to the new Terminator movie.
What Do We Know About the New Cast Members Who Have Been Announced?
For those who are curious, the three cast members who have been added to the new Terminator movies are relative unknowns to most people. However, that is not the same as saying that they are newcomers to the entertainment industries because it is important to note that each one possesses a fair amount of experience with previous projects.
First, there is Gabriel Luna, who should be familiar to a lot of people who pay close attention to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. This is because he was the one who played the part of Ghost Rider, who remains the most prominent character from the comic books to have had a major role on Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Besides said series, Luna has been involved in a number of other series as well, so it will be interesting to see how he plays his character in the new Terminator movie, who has been stated to be one of the titular robots.
Second, there is Diego Boneta, whose career has been rather bumpier than most people expected. In short, his big break came in 2012, which saw him playing the male lead in the movie adaptation of Rock of Ages. Then, Boneta was touted by some people as being the next big thing, which turned out to be a flawed prediction because said movie was not particularly successful at the box office. Still, Boneta has continued working in a wide range of projects since that time, so it will be interesting to see whether his luck will be better this time around.
Third, there is Natalia Reyes, who is the least well-known out of the three additions. She is far from being a newcomer to acting, as shown by the fact that she has headed up a well-received Colombian bio-drama. However, Reyes’s role in the new Terminator movie will be her big break when it comes to Hollywood.
Summed up, the casting for the new Terminator movie is looking pretty interesting, particularly when combined with what has already been revealed. For example, it was obvious that Arnold Schwarzenegger would make a return, but what a lot of people didn’t expect was that Linda Hamilton would be returning to reprise her role. As a result, interested individuals might want to keep a close eye on the whole thing because more interesting pieces of information are bound to come out as progress continues to be made.
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