Star Wars The Last Jedi: Daisy Ridley Grilled by Dame Judi Dench on Spoilers

Star Wars The Last Jedi: Daisy Ridley Grilled by Dame Judi Dench on Spoilers

Star Wars The Last Jedi has wrapped up filming which has lead to an obscene amount of speculation and people trying to get as many spoilers as possible.   Some of the key plot points people are trying to find out are Rey’s parentage, the identity of Supreme Leader Snoke, and Kylo Ren’s future destiny in the franchise.  This means that all cast members, including star Daisy Ridley, are getting barraged with questions.

In an ongoing video series that Josh Gad has with Daisy Ridley, he brought in one of the most powerful actresses in the world, Dame Judi Dench, to grill Ridley with questions about these spoilers.  “Have you been tested for midichlorians? Is Snoke Palpatine? Are you the last jedi? What’s the deal with Reylo? Why don’t you answer my questions?”

Gad’s video series has been brilliant so far and as you’ll see when Judy Dench asks you a question, you answer.  However, as fate would have it, as Ridley is about to relent and answer all questions the camera just happens to cut out.

Between now and the release date we’re bound to have plenty of Star Wars the Last Jedi spoilers but if the studio is having any of it, it’ll be in a controlled and calculated manner.

Check out the video below:

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