South Korean Power Rangers Spinoff Looks Bizarre But Awesome

South Korean Power Rangers Spinoff Looks Bizarre But Awesome

Anyone else not psyched to see the new Power Rangers movie?  I’ve already talked about my concerns.   Even as early as less than 24 hours ago, a new clip was released that I’m not thrilled with at all.   While I think the intention of trying to create a more action packed and “dark” Power Rangers is the right idea, there’s no way this movie goes into the R-Rated depths that I think the new wave of Superhero movies is going to get into.  In fact, maybe they made this movie a little too early.  You can get that movies following Logan are going to get more violent and more serious.   Something tells me the new Power Rangers is going to be weak.

You know what’s not weak?  This new South Korean Power Rangers spin off.  Honestly, I’m completely terrified by this video but at the same time how could someone NOT watch this?  It’s absolutely insane and if I ever find a way to get access to this show I’m all over it.  I’m not even going to say one thing about this video.  You have to see it for yourself and be the judge.  That is all.

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