Lionsgate Releases New Official Power Rangers Clip “Real”

Lionsgate Releases New Official Power Rangers Clip “Real”

The release of Power Rangers is less than 3 weeks away and the marketing campaign is starteing to step up its efforts.  Yesterday Lionsgate released a new clip from the movie entitled “Real” and I’m going to be the first person to say I’m not too big a fan.  One of the major themes for the new Power Rangers movie is that it’s going to contain more action and be “darker” than previous renditions of the franchise.

If by darker they mean the lighting in this scene then they’ve been successful.  If they mean “darker” with regard to the movie itself and tone I’m just not buying into it.  Is it me or does this scene seem like something out of a cheesy horror movie?  Listen to the dialogue.  Listen to the way the dialogue is actually spoken.  I feel like at any minute Freddy or Jason are going to come out of a wall and saying something like “Wanna play?”  Yes I know that’s Chucky but still.

Perhaps I’m bashing the movie too hard and not giving it a chance but unless the move truly proves to be dark, which in this scene is does not, I think we’re going to be left with the same old Power Rangers vibe, which is one I simply cannot take too seriously.   Again, I hope I’m wrong and have reason to see this film but at this point there’s no way I purchase a ticket.

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