10 Things You Didn’t Know About Skye P. Marshall

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Skye P. Marshall

The last few years have certainly been a whirlwind for Skye P. Marshall. Although she has been in the industry for more than a decade, things didn’t really start taking off for Skype until she was cast in the TV series Black Lightning in 2018. Since then, she has been working her way up to even bigger opportunities. Now she has a starring role in a new series on CBS called Good Sam, and the role has allowed her to share her talents with a very large audience. While some viewers may not have known about Skye prior to her role in Good Sam, there’s no doubt that they are going to want to follow her career from here on out. Keep reading to learn 10 things you didn’t know about Skye P. Marshall.

1. She Is A Chicago Native

Chicago has a very long history of being the birthplace of lots of creative people. The city itself has a rich history in arts and entertainment, and it can be a great place for performers to start their careers. Skye was born and raised in The Windy City and she is very proud of her roots. It was in Chicago where she initially fell in love with the idea of performing and she started sharpening her skills there at an early age. Although she will always have lots of love for her hometown, Skype eventually decided to move so that she could have access to more opportunities. These days, she splits her time between Los Angeles and New York City.

2. She Is A Proud Military Vet

Skye’s path to becoming a professional actor hasn’t been without its twists and turns. While talking to Authority Magazine, Skye said, “After my freshman year of college at Hampton University, I decided I wasn’t going to be one of those 20-something year olds with thousands of dollars of student debt, so I enlisted in the US Air Force. My intentions for joining the armed forces was to pay for college. I served pre and post 9/11. After I was honorably discharged, I attended Northeastern Illinois University and graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Communications, with honors.” Acting and the military may not be directly related, but the skills and discipline she learned during her time in the Air Force have probably come in very handy throughout her career as an actress.

3. She Used To Work A Corporate Job

I wasn’t exaggerating when I said that Skye’s acting journey was full of twists and turns. After earning her degree from Northeastern Illinois University, she was hired by a pharmaceutical marketing company in New York City. It goes without saying that landing a job in the city is always a big accomplishment, but eventually, the excitement wore off for Skye. After two years of working at the company, she realized that she simply wasn’t happy. She knew that she didn’t want to spend the rest of her life sitting at a desk. Instead, she decided to take a risk and follow her passion which was acting. She left New York and drove to Los Angeles where she spent the next few years focusing on her career. While many would agree that this was a very big leap, everything ended up working out for Skype in the long run.

4. She Is A Formally Trained Actress

As mentioned earlier, Skye developed an interest in performing at a very early age. However, acting simply started out as a hobby for her. Even though she really loved it, she didn’t always think it was a viable career option. After all, how many times have we all heard stories about starving artists who get so wrapped up in chasing their dreams that they end up with nothing? For that reason, Skye decided to follow a more traditional path. Once she decided that she wanted to get into acting, however, she knew that she had to work hard in order to sharpen her skills. She has taken a variety of acting classes and has studied at well-known institutions such as Berg Studios Acting School, Stella Adler Studio, and Upright Citizens Brigade.

5. She Has Experience Behind The Scenes

At this point in her career, acting has been Skye’s primary focus and it’s also what she is best known for. At the same time, however, she also likes telling stories from the other side of the camera. She made her directorial debut in 2018 with a short film called Killing Karen Soloway. She is also listed as an editor on the project. While it doesn’t appear that she has any behind-the-scenes projects in the works at the moment, there’s a good chance that we will see her do more directing in the future. The fact that she knows how to direct and take direction is something that can give her a leg up when it comes to attracting new opportunities.

6. She Is A Dog Mom

From what we know about Skye, she doesn’t have any children. But if you thought she was going to let that stop her from being a mom, you’ve got another thing coming. Skye is a very proud pet parent to an adorable fur baby named Winnie. Skype began her pet parent journey as a foster, but she ultimately decided to adopt Winnie. Even though Winnie doesn’t have her own Instagram profile, there is a highlight section dedicated to her on Skye’s Instagram profile. Based on her photos and videos, it’s clear that Skye loves spending as much time with Winnie as she possibly can. Anyone who has ever had a dog knows that there’s no better feeling than the love you get from your pup.

7. She Loves Hanging Out At The Beach

Since Skye is originally from Chicago, she knows what it’s like to live in a place where the weather is unforgiving for a good chunk of the year. Needless to say, living in Los Angeles is a welcome change of pace in terms of the weather. Skye takes advantage of the warm days and beautiful beaches as often as she can. Whether she’s going for a swim or just soaking up some sun, she really enjoys spending time by the ocean. On top of hanging out at the beaches in Los Angeles, Skye also enjoys traveling to tropical places. Now that her career is growing, she will probably get the chance to travel to even more beautiful destinations in the years to come.

8. She Once Sat Next To Al Pacino At Dinner

Throughout her acting journey, Skye has gotten to rub elbows with some of the biggest names in the entertainment industry. Among them is the legendary Al Pacino. The two worked together in the 2016 movie Misconduct. When talking about her experience filming the movie, she told Authority Magazine, “The evening before we began production, I snuck into Al Pacino and Josh Duhamel’s rehearsal. I just HAD to see what Pacino’s process was like. After the rehearsal, Pacino invited everyone to dinner, including me…I almost died! While at dinner, I sat next to him. He’s a great storyteller, and tells us how he almost got fired from The Godfather film.” She then went on to say that working with Pacino and Anthony Hopkins, who was also in the movie, was a “mindblowing” experience. Skye used the opportunity to learn as much as she could and it’s something she will never forget.

9. Harriet Tubman Is Her Biggest Inspiration

During interviews, it is very common to ask actors which people have inspired them the most. It’s equally as common for actors to respond with another actor who they’ve always looked up to. However, when Skye was asked that question, she revealed that Harriet Tubman is the person who has inspired her the most. Even though it’s been almost 110 years since Tubman’s death, her legacy continues to have a strong impact on people all over the world. Skye has always admired the way that Tubman was able to accomplish all of the things she set out to do. Skye hopes that one day she is able to inspire and motivate people the way that Tubman has.

10. She Would Love To Meet Viola Davis

Skye is extremely grateful for all of the people whose paths hers has crossed over the years, but there’s one person she has been dying to meet: Viola Davis. Skye is a big fan of Davis’ work and she also admires who she is as a person. In her interview with Authority Magazine, Skye said, “I would love to have brunch with Viola Davis. We’ve never formally met, although I did bum-rush her once backstage at the Jimmy Kimmel show while wearing a hat that said “Work B*tch” on it, begging her for a photo that she said yes to (probably because I frightened her). Viola is my BFF in my head. She’s my mentor in my heart.” Getting the chance to meet Davis would definitely be great for Skye, but maybe one day the two will even get the chance to work together.

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