Shameless 1.05 “Three Boys” Review

Weddings can be a great moment in life. The ceremony, the dancing, the reception, and knowing you have a brand new life with your spouse can really make a bride cry. However, this week’s Shameless showed that even with all of the things that make a wedding great, if you’re a friend of the Gallagher’s then you’re wedding will be nowhere near normal.

This week really was all about the wedding between Kevin and Veronica. As we found out last week, Kevin is still married so his marriage to Veronica would mean absolutely nothing on paper. As Fiona and Kevin try and convince Veronica to not have a wedding, the mother of the bride steps in and begins a blitzkrieg on the wedding. Shameless 1.05 “Three Boys” ReviewIt’s not until money is brought up that Kevin, Veronica, and in my opinion Fiona decide that the wedding is the best thing in the world right now. I really enjoyed seeing Veronica struggle with the wedding planning as it gave us viewers a side of Veronica that I believe we won’t see for awhile. This more girly style of Veronica even had me rooting for this wedding to go off perfect, which on Shameless is a huge dream.

The wedding planning itself seem to bring different acquaintances of the Gallagher’s into the picture so the wedding could be complete. Sheila was designated as seamstress and began designing Veronica’s dress, her own dress, and the vests for Frank and Liam, both who acted like they were 3 years old at the wedding reception. I was hoping that Sheila was finally going to take her first steps out onto the real world this week but the writers decided to keep the agoraphobic Sheila inside for another episode. I fear that if Sheila doesn’t make it out of the house soon, her character will be converted into a quick one-liner character only shown to place a funny quip into the story. Let’s hope that never happens.

With other parts of the wedding taken care of by Fiona and Steve, the writers decided to break up the chaos of the wedding with a small cancer scare for Frank. I admit that I found the first doctor visit between Frank and his doctor pretty funny as Frank keeps insisting that having 3 testicles is quite normal. Other than that, I found the side story of Frank quite boring. It was mainly used as filler to eat time away from scenes that didn’t contain the wedding. On the flip side, the Kash/Ian story gave us viewers another brief glimpse into the romantic tryst of the two co-workers. While we didn’t get much expect for a small scene at Kash’s home, I believe trouble is brewing for these two as Ian can’t figure out how to handle this relationship.

With the episode being centered on the big faux wedding, I was expecting more out of the episode than was actually shown. In the end, it was a bungee cord that was too long and a bump on the head of Frank that brought the episode down a few notches. B

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