Credit: @sarahmgellar
Sarah Michelle Gellar went from being a teen icon and one of the most famous and in-demand actresses in the world in the 90s and 2000s to being one of the most famous actresses in the world, plus a wife and mom in the mid-2000s. As of 2022, she’s busy raising her kids alongside her long-time husband. She met actor Freddie Prinze Jr. in 1997. They were both cast in the teen horror movie “I Know What You Did Last Summer,” and its sequel in 1998. Their friendship grew into something more in 2000, and they were married in 2002. They welcomed daughter Charlotte in 2009 and son Rocky in 2012. Now she’s busy focusing on her job as a mom, and she’s got a lot of good advice for other moms to look up to.
Sarah Michelle Gellar on No Social Media for Her Teen
SMG is raising a teenage daughter. Charlotte will be 13 in 2022, and she’s ready to take on the world of TikTok and Instagram, but her mother is not. Her mom makes it very clear that social media is forever and that everything you put online is there for the rest of your life – even when you think otherwise. Gellar realizes that her daughter won’t be off social media forever and there will come the point when she has to let her start her own accounts, but that is not happening yet. She’s working to teach her daughter the importance of knowing what you’re posting, wearing, and saying and how to do it all without causing harm.
Sarah Michelle Gellar on How Your Thinking Changes When You Have Kids

Credit: @sarahmgellar
“I will never allow my child to…” is a standard statement for all the people who are not actually parents. They all say it (we all said it before we had kids), and then we have kids. That’s the moment you realize that you can say anything you want, but you will probably change your mind about 95% of what you said. For instance, Sarah Michelle Gellar thought she’d continue to live in both New York and LA when she had kids. But she’s not doing that. Why? Because she learned the hard lesson, all parents learn when traveling with kids.
Traveling with kids is simple. Traveling with all the stuff required to travel with kids is not easy. Babies need so many things. Toddlers need more. Kids need more. Big kids need even more stuff. There is nothing easy, fun, or enjoyable about the art of packing up kids and their stuff to take them anywhere, let alone just because you want to live on both coasts. Kids need a lot of stuff. It’s not easy. She, like myself, said she would never lick her fingers and then do the mom wipe. But she does. And I do. Not often, but desperate times and all.
Sarah Michelle Gellar on Mom Guilt
As a mom of four kids of my own, let me tell you that mom guilt is real, it does not discriminate, and it’s constant. For SMG, it was going back to work and spending less time with her kids and at home that hit her hard with mom guilt. “It’s really hard, I’m not gonna lie. I’m working in Atlanta, so there’s something about physically not being there that is very hard for me. My husband is completely fine running the household almost to the point where then I get back, and I am like, ‘They don’t need me,’” she said.
She is not wrong, either. Because having a husband who is completely fine making the school lunches, doing the drop-off and pick-up things, baths, bed, homework, cooking, cleaning, and loving the kids is the most wonderful thing in the world for all of us. Yet, at the same time, it’s hard for a mom to realize that she is not the center of her family’s universe and that they can survive without her. Spoiler alert – despite their ability to function without us, we moms are the center of the family universe.

Credit: @sarahmgellar
Being Everything to Everyone
The wonderful thing about being a mom in this generation is that we have the freedom to be a little bit of everything. We have the freedom to work for ourselves, to be our own bosses, and to work from home on our own schedules. We can be there for our families and still have an identity outside of them. But at the end of the day, just like Sarah Michelle Gellar, we can do anything, but we cannot do everything. It’s why finding balance – which is not easy – is such a must for all moms. She’s doing a good job of it in her own life, even when she feels as if she is not. She might not be a teen icon any longer, but she’s still an icon to those of us who were teens with her.
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