Revolution 2.12 Review: “Captain Trips”


On Revolution the aim of the game is to work out who is deceiving who, this week’s episode is no different. Our protagonists are unluckily helpless once again this week. Will they ever get an opportunity to defeat the Patriots?

Back in Willoughby there is a typhus outbreak, but no one can think as to how or why. Gene and Charlie are more than willing to help yet the typhus is not reacting or spreading the way it should…

Rachel, Miles and Monroe return with Connor in tow to find the typhus camp. Rachel manages to sneak in and meet up with Charlie and Gene. In an attempt to communicate with each other, Rachel and Miles left messages by leaving notes under rocks in the typhus camp. For a place so heavily guarded and patrolled, it is ridiculous that they would be able to get away with such a thing.

Gene was Willoughby’s doctor but he struggles to determine what the cause of the infection is. Rachel walks in and immediately she is suspicious. Gene cannot think the worst of the Patriots whilst most of the audience knew it as soon as they saw it. To prove her point Rachel goes and does a test on a dead body and her suspicions confirmed.  By being too trusting, Gene ends up sick himself. Neither Gene nor Charlie seems to remember the oranges that they found on the truck last week.  The lack of pace in this storyline is infuriating. People are dying, we get it but can something just happen already?! Let Monroe and Miles team together and kick some ass because this series is getting old… fast.

The explanation why they have infected the town is to weed out the weak and inferior.  Everyone now is commenting, ‘oh look the Patriots are having a Nazism moment’. It has been done; try to do something original please.

Miles did not have a big role in this episode, which was sad. Miles is easily the best character but he took the back seat this week, only helping the other character is which in a way is nice because we had to opportunity to explore their stories further.

Luckily, Julia and Neville have their story move forward. This week’s flashback focused on Julia and Neville, two years after the blackout. The two worked together to save their son from starvation. Back to the present they are attempting to save their son once more, only this time the stakes are much higher. Jason has found out some horrifying information about the Patriots plans, something that could destroy them. Unfortunately, he got caught and after Julia snoops around and discovers that he is imprisoned.

In the past, the Nevilles had used their strengths but not even they could match the wit of the Patriots. It was hilarious to see Neville try to talk his way out of it once more. These Patriots are reckless, brainwashing the young, poisoning the weak… do we really want to find out what else they have planned?

Aaron’s storyline started the season full of hope – the nanotech did bring him back to life in any case. He is now off on some mysterious mission to Texas and to be honest, it has become a little dull. We still know very little about Priscilla and the interactions between the two seemed forced and awkward. For a couple who used to be married, they have very little chemistry. No wonder she wants to get away. Either way, something needs to happen with this storyline soon otherwise people are going to stop caring. I hope that some answers will be in Lubbock, Texas and that he will have a little more luck. It is home of the world’s largest concrete cowboy after all. How thrilling.

Back in Willoughby we get to see a little more of Monroe’s son. Connor can be might be a bit of a reckless hothead who is too big for his boots, but he knows the tricks and games that need to be played to get the results. He knows people like Truman and his gang of Patriots – he knows that he will try anything to get what he wants. He is reluctant throughout, he is obviously pleased he has been taken from his fancy mansion and doing all the legwork. I would be too.

Monroe had the opportunity to have some bonding time with his son, with little luck. Currently the only persuasive technique he has over Connor is the promise of rebuilding the Monroe Republic. Yeah, good luck with that. The rate this season is going it is not going to happen in his lifetime.

[Photo via Felicia Graham/NBC]

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