The Real Housewives of Atlanta 3.08 “Is There A Doctor In The House?” Review

Boy, tonight’s Real Housewives of Atlanta was something. Not only did we get two reveals for two of the ‘mysteries’ of this season, we got some classic moments that will surely go down in Housewives history.

***Spoilers For Those Who Haven’t Seen The Episode Yet***

Phaedra’s Delivery

So Phaedra was actually 9 months all along, which leads us to the next question in this puzzling story: Why lie, or play dumb, about your due date?

Well, there could be two possible answers to the story, the first possibly being found during the little exchange between Kandi, Phaedra, and Phaedra’s mother Regina, who is a preacher and doesn’t believe in having children before marriage. This detail came out in front Kandi, who we all know had Riley out of wedlock and probably felt as if she’d been slapped in the face by Phaedra and Regina judgments on the subject. So would Phaedra really lie that tough to hide from Regina the fact that she conceived before she married Apollo? Given some of the stuff we’ve seen so far from Phaedra this season, anything is possible with her. As Kandi said, Regina will just have to get over it and needs to recognize the facts for what they are, because this whole scenario is ridiculous, totally unwarranted, and could damage Phaedra’s image.

The other reason for Phaedra to lie is to save her behind from Apollo, because his prison time and her conception of the baby don’t add up… unless Phaedra visited Apollo for a conjectural visit while he was doing his time. If that’s the case, then Pastor Regina has something else to gripe about when it comes to he daughter’s personal afffairs. In terms of Phaedra cheating on Apollo, it’s a hard pill to swallow for me personally. I thought Apollo helped in the lie due to the whole alleged story of his own birth coming two months early than planned. In either event, the whole thing made everyone involve look incredibly stupid, including Dwight, who really should reconsider his “buddy buddy” stance with Phaedra next year, because she’s been a big bad luck charm for him this season.

Plus, I could do nothing but shake my head when the only word to come out of Phaedra’s mouth at the sight of her first born was “gross.” I’m praying she was heavily medicated at the time, because… yeah.

“Dr. Faux” is Busted By NeNe Leakes, Budding Journalist

Well, NeNe’s new potential career as an entertainment reporter came in handy as she sniffed out Tiy-E Muhammad’s, aka “Dr.Faux,” for being the fraud he was. I seriously wasn’t expecting this reveal to come out this season, but now that it has, please let the sparks fly. The gang up was brilliant with Tiy-E dodging questions left and right, working up a sweat the entire time everyone was grilling him, which was basically what it was, ” a grilling.” The man kept adding on to the flames with each “explanation” he dropped, making his situation more worse by the second. I’m surprised he agreed to go through such a interrogation. He must have a death wish. And NeNe’s line of the night?

NeNe to Tiy-E: I know you… You used to wear dreads?

Tiy-E: Yeah, I did!

NeNe: I know you well.


Plus, to echo Kandi’s sentiments, can you eve get a PhD online? Tiy-E’s story had so many holes in it that his reputation drained right through it before our very eyes. Sheree is going to have a field day digging into his behind next week…

Other Tidbits:

– NeNe’s new gig is a great move on her part as it shows that she’s not a gold digger at all. She sees her marriage falling apart and isn’t waiting for the alimony check to clear before she makes her next move. I just hope she sticks with it, because she does have the personality for it.

– Despite Sheree’s snobby attitude at times, I couldn’t help but nominate her for Mother of the Year for having a joint party for both of her younger kids and not making it a spectacle for herself. Taylor Armstrong and Danielle Staub might want to take note…

– On Watch What Happens Live!, Kim guested and sung “Google Me” (horribly), but that wasn’t the interesting part of the show. When asked about the money situation with Kandi by Andy, Kim declared she not only paid Kandi for “Tardy For The Party”, but that she actually overpaid her for the song as well. Talk about a twist! I wonder what Kandi will have to say about this claim and thank God we’ll possibly find out next week when Kandi returns to the Bravo Clubhouse next week.

So what did you guys think? Was Phaedra’s ‘lie’ warranted? Did NeNe steal the show by calling out Dr. Faux on his lies? And what is up with Kim? She seemed spaced on last nigh’ts WWHL…

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