Category: Movies

Movies coverage including spoilers, reviews, pictures, videos, recaps and interviews.

Movie Review: #Like

Some movies have the ability to pull emotions from the audience in a purposeful manner, and some do so on accident simply because the material being shown res

Movie Review: The Invitation

There are those times when if a person feels uneasy about something, it might be wise to listen to their first instinct and just go the other way. When Will a

Movie Review: The Woman King

The Woman King is Hollywood’s latest women-fronted release. The story is set in the all-female military unit of the Kingdom of Dahomey in the early 1800

Movie Review: Mid-Century

Moving into a new home, even if it’s considered to be temporary, is kind of disquieting at times since, unless it’s a brand new home that no one h

Movie Review: House of Fears

If you’ve seen one type of horror movie, then you’ve seen them all, right? A lot of people would argue for or against this, but while House of Fea

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