Mads Mikkelsen Walked Out of Fantastic Four Audition Because it was “Wrong”

Mads Mikkelsen Walked Out of Fantastic Four Audition Because it was “Wrong”

As if you needed another reason to like Mads Mikkelsen, the Hannibal actor recently confessed to walking out on his audition for Fantastic Four. Remember Mads played Kaecilius in Doctor Strange for Marvel Studios so his intuition has been serving him well as of late. When it came to his dodging of the bullet that was the 2015 version of Fantastic Four this is what Mads had to say:

“I’ve had tons of them. We’ve all been there. We all show up and it’s a little office room with a desk and some books and they want you to do a scene where you have two lines — maybe not even two lines — maybe just ‘Bleurgh!’ or ‘Get back!’ And you’re hiding behind a palm tree that’s not there. It’s like, ‘Guys, couldn’t you have picked a different kind of scene to this? This is mad.’ You feel like an idiot.”

As to what role Mikkelsen was auditioning for or what the folks at the studio had him do, it’s tough to say.  What I do know is that Mikkelsen exited promptly.

“I think I walked out on the Fantastic Four one. I think I actually said, ‘I can’t do it. It’s not about you, I’m sorry, this is wrong.’”

Why exactly did he say “I’m sorry, this is wrong?”  We may never know the answer to that one but like I said, it’s just another reason to like Mikkelsen.  Maybe it was the fact the first three were failures and the studio refuses to stop trying with this movie.

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