10 Things You Didn’t Know about Lily Mae Harrington

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Lily Mae Harrington

Lily Mae Harrington is in the middle of making a huge name for herself. She’s been in the business for a while; she’s known for many years that becoming an actress was part of her future. She’s worked on it, she’s put forth her best foot in every project on which she’s worked, and her fanbase grows by the day. She’s making things happen, and she is ready to take the world by storm. Right now, her fans are curious to know more about her past and what did prior to her career in Hollywood. She’s led an interesting life, and you might be surprised.

1. She is From Cape Cod

She grew up in the Cape Cod area, which is such a gorgeous place. There aren’t too many people who get to call the area home all year round, but she did. Many people come and go on a seasonal basis, leaving for the winter when the island is calm and relaxed only to come back in the summer when it’s busy and full.

2. She Went to College

She’s a former college student who attended the Westminster Choir College. While she was part of the college, she took part in many of the school’s productions. She was part of many musicals, which is a huge deal when you’re working on a career in the movies.

3. She Went to High School With a Famous Singer

She’s a good friend to a famous singer by the name of Meghan Trainor. Trainor has managed to create a hugely successful career in Hollywood for herself, and her friend is following suit. The two went to high school together, and they’ve managed to maintain a good relationship and a close friendship since that time.

4. She Was Part of The Glee Project

It was during her time in college that she was chosen to be part of this project. She was studying classical voice when she was notified she was chosen for the show, and it was a huge deal for her. She did not take it lightly, and she did bring her A-game at every turn. She’s always been serious about her career.

5. She’s Not Afraid to Work Hard

One thing that Harrington has never feared is a little hard work. She recently finished working a film called “Some Freaks,” and the role she had required her to do some major work. She had to lose 60 pounds for the role. Anyone who has ever had to lose weight knows that this is not the easiest thing to do, but she did it. Work is something she is serious about, and this is nothing short of complete proof.

6. She’s in a New Show

Have you heard of the new show “Single Drunk Females,” yet? The advertisements have been going on for a few weeks now, and everyone is looking forward to it. She’s got a role of her own, and she is so excited to see it come to life. She’s playing the friend who is there for her drunk friend when she has to change her life. But, will she be the good influence or the bad one?

7. She is Still Singing

She might be focused on her acting career right now, but that does not mean she’s not singing. She has been singing nonstop her entire life, and she has music out that you can download. Look for her on Spotify, and you’ll find her music there.

8. She’s a Swimmer

Growing up, she was an athlete. She took part in competitive swimming, which is not always an easy thing to do. It is a sport that requires a certain level of talent, but an exceptional level of dedication and an exceptional amount of focus. She did this for 12 years of her life.

9. She Would Love to Stunt

She is the kind of actress who will try anything once, and she said once in an interview that she would be willing to do her own stunts. Being a physical actor has its appeal, and she is not someone who is going to ignore that. She can hold her breath for almost two minutes underwater thanks to her swimming career when she was younger, so sign her up for all the underwater movies.

10. She’s Very Private

She is keeping her personal life to herself. She’s not in need of an outlet in which to share every last thing she’s doing as a person, and that is not a bad thing. She’s private, and that is good for her work-life balance.

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