credit: The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers
The news of this show coming back is good, to be fair, but without Emilio Estevez, it still feels as though it might be far different than fans expect. For one, not having Estevez there is going to be odd since he’s been a part of the Mighty Ducks franchise for so long that trying to do anything without him makes it sound like this will be an entirely different show altogether. But this decision was made months ago when the second season was still in question, meaning that there’s been plenty of time to move forward, and the fact that Emilio isn’t making the journey could hopefully mean that he’ll come back later or that he’s done. Things won’t be the same ever again. There were a lot of fans hoping to see Charlie, aka Joshua Jackson, make his way back to the fold for a brief stint, but so far, it doesn’t appear that anything has come of this. If he does come back, it would impress a lot of fans. But as of now, the trailer makes it clear that the Ducks will be forced to hit another gear since they’ve reclaimed their spirit and are now making their way to a hockey camp where they will be sorely tested.
The hockey camp is for all ages, which could be a considerable challenge.
Those who have been to sports camps for kids of all ages know that it’s typical to be split into age groups so as not to discourage kids by letting those who are younger get stomped by those who have a few more years under their belt. Just watching the trailer makes it clear that the Ducks are going to be put through their paces and more, and it’s bound to happen that they’re going to be put through the wringer when it comes to their ascension to the next level. What’s not clear at this point is whether or not Josh Duhamel will be an antagonist or a misunderstood protagonist since it sounds like he’s going to be kind of a jerk to start with.
The team hasn’t changed, apart from growing up a little.
If the cast list is to be believed, then it could be that Estevez might at least make a cameo in the second season, or maybe there will be first season footage that will show what he did for the team. It might even be that Vincent LaRusso, aka Adam Banks, might also make a return. This could be the replacement for Charlie, but then again, until we get to see what the season has to offer, there’s no way to tell if what’s being shown is all there is. The Ducks are a smaller team, both in number and in size, and this has been the way of things for a long time since they’ve fought wars on the ice with teams that have dominated them in many ways. The two main enforces of the team back in the day, Fulton Reed and Dean Portman, were among the biggest and most challenging on the team, and while it’s true that they inspired their fellow Ducks, they were the exception, not the rule.

credit: The Mighty Ducks: Game Changers
It will be interesting to see what role Josh Duhamel will play.
Fans no doubt recall that Gordon Bombay wasn’t a positive force when it came to the Ducks in the first season. Still, Dylan Playfair, aka Coach T., was a straight-up jerk who cared more about winning and dominating other teams than he did about the true spirit that made the Ducks in the first place. Even the combined effort of several of the original Mighty Ducks didn’t change the coach’s mind, though it did remind many of those who ran and contributed to the team that they had lost their way at some point. Trying to pin down what Duhamel’s role will be isn’t easy at this time since the trailer doesn’t make him an obvious villain. Still, his attitude suggests that he might be more like the coach in the third Mighty Ducks movie, meaning that it will take time for his character and the Ducks to understand each other.
Things have to change, which has been evident since season 1 of Game Changers.
One has to remember that the Mighty Ducks from back in the day are now adults, and all took very different courses in life. This team is another band of hopefuls from different backgrounds and are bound to have different issues to deal with. It’s going to be interesting to see how the Ducks evolve this time around, especially since they’ve had a slightly more significant advantage than the original team did.
What else can we say but: game on.
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