credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow, the flagship time-traveling DC show on The CW, may have been canceled earlier this year, but the total of seven seasons that Legends of Tomorrow could reach has been no small feat. With other shows around canceled over recent years while the equal parts severe and goofy show stayed on the air, it seemed inevitable that the Arrowverse itself would close. Below, we’ve detailed Legends of Tomorrow Season 6, as it’s the second to last season, and dive into details of the previous seasons and the characters of Legends of Tomorrow overall.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow
Legends of Tomorrow started in 2016 on The CW to continue the Arrowverse plotlines and characters established in the pre-existing shows, Arrow, The Flash, and Supergirl, which made Legends of Tomorrow the fourth Arrowverse show. However, others such as Batwoman would come and get canceled that attempted to add to the Arrowverse but have had issues throughout each season. Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 was one of the most interesting as it had the Legends still dealing with something new to them, aliens.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow Pre-Season 6
Legends of Tomorrow, before Season 6, featured primarily new characters wreaking havoc on the timeline through various places in time. Still, as Legends of Tomorrow progressed, the team fought everything from demons to celebrities to historical figures, mythical beings, and much more. Legends of Tomorrow Season 1 featured the team’s formation by Rip Hunter, as he intended to stop Vandal Savage from rising to power and killing his family in the future after he conquered Earth. Legends of Tomorrow Season 2 picked up from the sacrifice of Captain Cold and directly to the evil plot of the Reverse-Flash as he formed the Legion of Doom with another version of Leonard Snart and Malcolm Merlyn, and Damien Darhk. Reverse-Flash intended to use the Spear of Destiny to rewrite reality and make history in his making. Still, ultimately he was stopped by Sara, and each Legion of Doom member was sent to their respective place in time. As exciting as the Legion of Doom in the Arrowverse would have been, the infamous team of villains was not seen again, even in Legends of Tomorrow Season 6. From the Legion of Doom’s defeat in Legends of Tomorrow Season 2, Season 3 led the heroes directly into otherworldly encounters with a demon known as Mallus and his hold on Damien Darhk’s daughter, Nora. However, the Legends of Tomorrow defeated the demon with the help of Wally West and the totems, but at the end of the season, Sara encountered Constantine, who had informed her of other demons loose on Earth. As Legends of Tomorrow Season 4 focused on the various demons that led to the Legends’ standoff with Neron, a more powerful demon from Constantine’s past. While the Legends defeated Neron, more of Constantine’s past came to be a problem for the team, and the timeline, when a botched exorcism that Constantine had performed in his past has been sending so-called “Encores” up from Hell. Once again, the Legends of Tomorrow defeated the evil at hand. Still, as Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 ended with Sara being abducted by aliens and four members of the Legends of Tomorrow had left the team, Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 was quite the shakeup.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Characters
Before Legends of Tomorrow Season 6, various characters, overall plots, and events have disrupted not only the Legends of Tomorrow as a whole but also as individuals as characters have died and left the Legends of Tomorrow over the seasons. However, Season 5 was the most detrimental character change on the show, so Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 had to fill the void of the four lost characters from last season, Ray, Nora, Charlie, and Mona. Season 5 of Legends of Tomorrow may have left us without the four members at the end of the season the Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 didn’t do much to fill the gap as the team stayed with the losses but saw the return of Gary from earlier seasons. Unfortunately, Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 would be the last for Heatwave as a member of Legends of Tomorrow. Similar to the loss of Heatwave in future seasons, no crossover episode of the Arrowverse appeared in Legends of Tomorrow Season 6.

credit: The CW
Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 Detailed
While previous seasons of Legends of Tomorrow featured everything from demons to possessed historical figures and even celebrities and mythical beings, Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 picked up directly where the Legends of Tomorrow Season 5 finale left off with Sara Lance kidnapped by a beam of light, which was assumed to be aliens and viewers that assumed as much were fitting. However, what fans didn’t expect for Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 were aliens. Still, it was revealed that Gary, from Season 3 to Season 5 of Legends of Tomorrow, has secretly been an alien and was the one that abducted Sara with his fiance. Overall, Legends of Tomorrow Season 6 ultimate villain is the scientist known as Bishop, who intended to create the Legends’ clones, as he’s seen the end of the human race. While the Legends of Tomorrow defeat Bishop, they also had to deal with the restoration of Constantine’s abilities and an impending alien invasion. While all events were stopped, they tied directly into the next season’s events.
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