‘Knives Out’ Looks Like Our Kind of Thriller

‘Knives Out’ Looks Like Our Kind of Thriller

Knives Out is a mystery thriller that seems fit to be one of the movies that we tend to like since it’s bound to take us on a roundabout way of finding out just who the killer is and what their motives were, a mystery that has been seen many times before and yet never gets so old that people won’t go to watch it. Allie Gemmill of ScreenRant points out that one of the biggest draws of this movie is bound to be the all-star cast that’s been retained for the movie, and the very different characters that they’ll be playing. Chris Evans, Daniel Craig, Don Johnson, and Jamie Lee Curtis are just a part of the cast, there are plenty others that people will recognize and be thrilled to see since quite honestly this is one of the most star-studded movies coming to the big screen as of late, and already from the trailer it seems as though it will be bound to impress.

Apart from the idea of the family patriarch inviting his family to gather together and then being found dead there’s really not a whole lot more that has been revealed. But this type of movie is something that we’ve seen so often that you might think that we’d just say ‘meh’ and walk the other way. But so far what’s been seen in the trailer is enough to make a lot of people nod their head and think that it might be on to something no matter that this type of story is something that’s been dished out over and over again. For some reason the mystery is given a decidedly predictable formula and then, when the director is skilled enough at their craft, it still stuns us when we’re finally given the ending and the why of how it happens. The idea that we can still be surprised is kind of hard to fathom, but those that are true students of film do manage to catch us unaware by making the audience look in any direction but where they need to in order to see what’s coming. That kind of skill is nothing less than uncanny.

The one thing that is obviously impressive is the centerpiece of the movie, the display piece that resembles a deconstructed throne from Game of Thrones. Likely there aren’t a thousand knives in the collection but from the looks of them they’re all well-cared for and all very, very much ready for use whenever needed. This seems to add into the movie an element that is not only able to grant a sense of heightened danger and intrigue, but a worthy distraction since obviously just looking at it some people will be impressed and others might think of the utter mayhem that would be unleashed if someone were to draw forth a single blade and harbor a single dark thought. Obviously the family in the movie doesn’t get along and they don’t care that much for each other considering how they speak to each other, and watching Chris Evans be as snarky as he can be is definitely a step away from the Captain America we all know and love. But one thing that’s evident is that it does show that he’s still capable of stepping away from his good guy persona and becoming someone that we’re entertained by and can possibly relate to instead of a boy scout that’s bound to do the right thing no matter if it kills him. Ah yes, Chris Evans is out to prove, and rightly so, that he is still a worthy actor when separated from the MCU, and he’s doing a good job of it already it would seem.

As for the rest of the cast they’re all just as proven and just as skilled at what they do, and it’s going to be a serious case of whodunit throughout the entire movie, with the attitudes that you might expect of a rich family that are no doubt separated by their greedy desires or at least their very different personalities and their need to be their father’s favorite children. That seems to be the case in the trailer to be honest, especially since watching them interact with each other makes it clear that there is no respect and no love between them. In fact it might be safe to say that these people wouldn’t bat an eye if one of them was on fire and they had a hose in hand. That’s the kind of emotional brutality that will help to make this movie something special and make the audience pull for one person or another or vilify the rest of them. Right now I would agree with Julia Alexander of The Verge since it seems worth it to sit down for the two hours just to see the power struggle. Knives out everyone, it’s about to get vicious.

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