9 Things You Didn’t Know About Fantasy Island’s John Gabriel Rodriquez

9 Things You Didn’t Know About Fantasy Island’s John Gabriel Rodriquez

John Gabriel Rodriquez has been acting professionally for almost 15 years, and his journey through the industry has been an interesting one. Although he hasn’t always had the biggest roles, he puts his all into every opportunity that comes his way. After years of hard work and dedication, John got a major break when he was cast in the TV series Fantasy Island.

The show is based on the series of the same name that aired from the late 1970s through the early 1980s. John’s role in the show is allowing him to share his talent with a wide audience, and it will hopefully lead to other roles in the future. Keep reading to learn 9 things you didn’t know about Fantasy Island‘s John Gabriel Rodriquez.

1. John Gabriel Rodriquez Was In The Vampire Diaries

John Gabriel Rodriquez in The Vampire Diaries

Despite the fact that all of his roles haven’t been big, John Gabriel Rodriquez can still say that he’s been a part of some very successful projects over the years. He currently has 30 acting credits which include an appearance in 2 episodes of The Vampire Diaries in 2013. He has also been in Homeland and General Hospital.

2. John Gabriel Rodriquez Likes To Travel

John Gabriel Rodriquez on a beach

People who like to travel would likely agree that traveling is one of the best experiences a person can have. John has been fortunate to have lots of opportunities to travel throughout the years. Not only has he visited places across the United States, but he has also gotten to travel outside of the country.

3. John Gabriel Rodriquez Is A Positive Person

John Gabriel Rodriquez having fun

Working in the entertainment industry can be emotionally draining. Even the most talented actors have to deal with lots of rejection, and it can be a challenging thing to deal with. However, despite the ups and downs that come with working in the business, John has always done his best to maintain a positive attitude. He is also a big believer in the importance of treating others with kindness.

4. John Gabriel Rodriquez Loves Spending Time Outdoors

John Gabriel Rodriquez on a hiking trip

John Gabriel Rodriquez is a very adventurous person and he loves to get outside and explore the beauty of nature. From hiking to mountain biking, you can bet that John is usually up for an outdoor activity that gets his blood pumping. Luckily, he lives in a part of the country where there’s no shortage of beautiful weather.

5. It’s Unclear If John Gabriel Rodriquez Had Any Formal Acting Training

John Gabriel Rodriquez on Fantasy Island

For lots of actors, enrolling in a drama or theater program is one of the most important steps to starting their career. However we aren’t sure exactly what John Gabriel Rodriquez’s path was. We weren’t able to find any information on whether John ever received a formal education in acting.

6. John Gabriel Rodriquez Likes To Exercise

John Gabriel Rodriquez fixing truck

No matter how busy things get in John’s life, he always makes it a point to incorporate physical activity into his daily routine. For John, staying in good shape isn’t just about the physical aspect of looking good. Regular exercise also has lots of mental health benefits.

7. John Gabriel Rodriquez Is A Photographer

John Gabriel Rodriquez hiking

Acting is what put John on the map, but it isn’t the only areas of the arts that he enjoys. Taking pictures is a hobby of his, and he’s got some skills behind the camera. He’s a natural when it comes to knowing exactly when to capture a moment. His love for taking pictures is the perfect match for his love of adventure.

8. John Gabriel Rodriquez Is Very Private

John Gabriel Rodriquez

Once some people get a taste of the spotlight, they have a hard time separating themselves from it. This often leads to people sharing too much about their personal lives until they realize the negative impact it can have. John, however, has never been one to go into much detail about his private life. Instead, he prefers to keep things low-key.

9. John Gabriel Rodriquez Is All About Family

John Gabriel Rodriquez with friends And family

Despite being pretty private when it comes to his personal life, we do know that John is very family-oriented. Based on his Instagram activity, it’s clear that John loves spending as much time with his family as he can. It appears that he has at least one brother and a niece. From what we can tell, John Gabriel Rodriquez doesn’t have any children of his own.

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