How Did Boba Fett Survive the Sarlacc Pit?

How Did Boba Fett Survive the Sarlacc Pit?

This is one of those many moments when one can’t help but shake their head and wonder why in the world Disney didn’t just accept the Legends canon into the mix and tweak it enough to make it work since Boba Fett’s escape from the Sarlacc following Return of the Jedi is something that many people still wonder about now that we’ve seen the famed bounty hunter in The Mandalorian and have learned that The Book of Boba Fett is coming. The understanding about the Sarlacc in the movie is that no one that fell into their gaping maw would ever be coming back out, and would be digested over the course of a thousand years. This was a fate that a lot of people agree was pretty harsh, but it was one that someone like Boba Fett appeared to deserve given that he worked with the Empire. Attitudes about the bounty hunter have changed over the years though since he’s become a favorite among many people considering that he’s one of the all-time best characters in the franchise. But when it came to escaping the Sarlacc, Fett needed a bit of help, since in one story he was being slowly digested as he felt a telepathic link that emanated from somewhere within the beast. When one of its tentacles brushed his jetpack just right it sent him rocketing up and out of the beast’s stomach, and the application of a couple of grenades allowed him to make an exit.

Another story in a comic book has him simply using his pack to escape, but he was picked up by Jawas not long after, only to fall back into the pit when the Jawas’ sandcrawler was sucked in by the Sarlacc. He still escaped, but had a serious case of amnesia and didn’t know Han Solo when he saw him. Another explanation, and one that Disney might use, is that the explosion of Jabba the Hutt’s sail barge damaged the Sarlacc, cutting a hole in its gut that Jawas later used as a point of access to loot the creature’s stomach. Obviously Fett would use this as a point of egress as well, though it could be that he collapsed when outside of the Sarlacc or the Jawas hefted him out and deprived the bounty hunter of his armor. One has to imagine that Disney will come up with their own narrative on this matter since like it or not, they’ll certainly cherry-pick from the Legends canon, but they’ll never use it enough to create a truly great story that might actually set the Star Wars ship on a course that would help it rather than continually hinder it.

The upcoming Star Wars shows and movies are still a big hope for many fans since the recent trilogy has divided the fanbase in a big way. While the movies weren’t a total loss there was simply too much ‘woke’ content as many people feel that interfered with the overall story, and therefore changed it in a way that was less than appealing. What people need to think about at the moment though is the fact that change will be happening in an even bigger way since Rian Johnson is still making his trilogy apparently, and The Book of Boba Fett and the existence of Grogu and many other facts need to be addressed in order to really make things fall into line to avoid any more loss of continuity within the overall story. In a big way, it feels as though Disney had no idea what they were doing when it came to adapting Star Wars in their own style, and the story has been suffering for it. Fett’s escape from the Sarlacc was a fairly straightforward story since the bounty hunter is one of the toughest individuals in the galaxy and it’s easier to think that he found a way out of something that’s a rather passive predator compared to many others. But it will be interesting to see how The Book of Boba Fett will address how his armor was found and sold to Cobb Vanth, and how he survived the deserts of Tatooine after escaping. As a survivor, Fett is one of the best, but even he has his limits.

With that in mind though it will be interesting to find out how he came to track down Din Djarin in order to get his armor back. Plus, where in the world was Slave 1? Was it still at Jabba’s palace, or was it back in one of the settlements? Had it been anywhere else it’s likely that Jawas would have dismantled it not long after discovering the craft. Hopefully these questions will be solved when The Book of Boba Fett comes out, but we still have a while to wait for that.

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