House of the Dragon’s Shorter Season 2 Is Actually Great

It has now been confirmed that the long-awaited House of the Dragon season 2 will have two fewer episodes than season 1. This comes as a surprise as the series and its predecessor, Game of Thrones, have mostly had 10 episode seasons. The last time viewers saw fewer episode seasons was with Game of Thrones season 7 and 8. So far, an 8-episode House of the Dragon season 2 has left viewers wondering what the future holds.

However, according to the HBO spokesperson who confirmed the development to Deadline, a lot was considered before deciding on an 8-episode season 2. House of the Dragon viewers have been itching for the start of the new season, which has been scheduled to premiere around the summer of 2024. House of the Dragon season 2 was greenlit five days after the premiere of season 1 on August 21, 2022.

Why House Of The Dragon Season 2 Is Only 8 Episodes

Queen Alicent and Princess Rhaenyra in House of the Dragon

HBO’s released episode count for House of the Dragon season 2 has been met with mixed reviews from the series’ viewers. There have been speculations about why the showrunners and HBO made the decision. At the heart of things, HBO and the showrunners are more focused on creating better events for the series’ future.

However, there’s also the obvious fact of the change in leadership of HBO’s parent company, Warner Bros. Discovery. While it may seem an 8-episode season was done to cut production costs, the HBO spokesperson confirmed it wasn’t the case. With plans for more seasons, a shorter episode season will better create a bridge for future story arcs.

House Of The Dragon’s 8 Episode Season Is Better For Viewers

Prince Daemon and Princess Rhaenyra in House of the Dragon

A section of House of the Dragon‘s audiences has expressed fears that a shorter episode could spell doom for the series. Most of such conclusions are drawn from what seemed like rushed concluding seasons of Game of Thrones, with seasons 7 & 8 having 7 and 6 episodes, respectively. However, this isn’t necessarily the case with an 8-episode season.

On the contrary, a shorter episode season, for a second season, is better for viewers. Unarguably, House of the Dragon season 1 was a critical and commercial success. However, its pacing and time jump left audiences playing catch-up. With only eight episodes, there’s certainty there would be a better focus on progressing storylines without unnecessary time jumps.

Rhaenyra-led House Black has declared war on House Green, and viewers would want to savor every moment of the battle buildup, allegiances formed, betrayals, and (of course) plenty of House of the Dragon deaths. Season 1 left several incomplete plots that need focus and closure. Then, there’s also the possibility of having the season 2 premiere date brought forward sooner. With fewer episodes, filming and production would take less time. This would serve as a noteworthy consolation for viewers whose desire for a 10-hour-long season 2 has been cut short to 8 hours.

House Of The Dragon Season 2 Is Already Setting Up The Future

Daemon with dragon egg in House of the Dragon

If there’s one thing having an 8-episode season guarantees at this point, it has to be having a lot more future seasons than expected. This is evident with the showrunner Ryan Condal and author George R. R. Martin taking a step back from season 2 to create a bigger-picture plot to recreate Martin’s Fire & Blood story better. With where they left off at the end of House of the Dragon season 1, the show has deviated significantly from the novel.

At this point, there’s no telling what direction Condal and Martin may choose to follow. With the inevitable war ahead, HOTD season 2 would set the stage to help give each House a fighting advantage. There’s no doubt viewers would be introduced to more dragons. House Black and the alliances formed so far have the upper hand against House Green, with only Vhagar on their side. With House of the Dragon season 2 focusing on the concluding events of season 1, the upcoming season has set the stage for a season 3 & 4, or possibly 5.

Read Next: House Of The Dragon Managed To Repeat One Silly Mistake From Game Of Thrones

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