If You Haven’t Seen The Gag Reel for “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” You Need To

If You Haven’t Seen The Gag Reel for “Kiss Kiss Bang Bang” You Need To

So someone said that it was important to see the blooper reel from Kiss Kiss Bang Bang. Why? It’s not the worst blooper reel in the world but it’s pretty tame to be honest.  When you think bloopers you tend to think of movies like Grumpy Old Men and other such films. I really think you would have to watch the film to not get confused by the plot line and even then it seems like all bets would be off. As blooper reels go this wasn’t good but it wasn’t bad.

After all you have to wonder what it’s like sometimes to really get so sidetracked when making a film that you either flub your lines or can’t seem to remember what’s supposed to happen next. Kilmer and Downey Jr. aren’t novices in this film either since both of them have seen their fair share of acting and have been known to hit their marks fairly regularly. But obviously it can still happen to some of the best and most seasoned.

This was actually before Iron Man so Downey Jr. was kind of on an upswing in his career even as Kilmer was still kind of trying to reach neutral ground after his failed attempt at being Batman years before. So far at this point Kilmer really hasn’t taken off in anything while Downey Jr. has never once let off the gas after becoming an Avenger. Their careers have taken such different turns that it’s hard to believe since back in the day one would have guessed the Kilmer would be the one reaching for the stars and Downey Jr. would be in rehab at this time. Things certainly do change.

I also have to wonder if these bloopers were as fun-filled as they seem to be or if Kilmer really lived up to his reputation when the cameras was finally off of him. He’s gained this strange reputation for being very standoffish with people and not being all that pleasant to be around on set. It’s not for sure where this came from but it’s been so pervasive that it’s almost believable from a viewer’s standpoint. But he’s been so much fun to watch in the past years that thinking anything ill of him is kind of difficult.

Critics of Downey Jr. are kind of mixed in what they think of him really. Some claim he’s a nice guy, others that he’s kind of a jerk, but for the most part he seems to be someone that will occasionally do a nice thing for someone and is not that predictable. He might make a charity event here and there and he might just go ahead and keep his distance. Downey Jr. is definitely one of those stars that seems to take his roles to heart and it’s more than apparent that the role of Tony Stark is more akin to his real self.

As far as the blooper reel to this movie goes the outtakes are funny but not so hilarious that they’d warrant tears or a sore jaw. They’re amusing to put it nicely.


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