Galavant Season 2 Episodes 7 & 8 Review: “Love and Death”/ “Do the D’DEW”


Galavant rolled into the penultimate installment of its second season rolling on a strong creative streak. The switch up of characters, the strange situations, and the constant parody of both other musicals and pop culture put Galavant into a special category. Though what I’m really excited for is next week’s war, this week’s episode made for a really nice build and excellent set up. It was pretty funny, too.

This week on Galavant: Sid, Richard and Roberta rush to an apothecary to save Galavant. In his near-death experience, Galavant learns what’s on Isabella’s mind, and gains a zombie army to help in the battle. Richard and Roberta’s relationship takes a turn for the better…and then the worse. Gareth and Madalena admit their feelings for each other. Isabella prepares her kingdom for war with no weapons. Madalena turns to Wormwood’s magic for an upper hand in battle.

I’m sure it’s no secret by now, but I quite enjoy this show. The musical parodies are top notch. The pop culture and meta references are excellent. The characters have great chemistry. Everything about this show works. I watched this hour and spent most of that time laughing and singing along. Rarely will you find a more enjoyable show on network television.

I know I’ve mentioned this before, but one of my favorite things about Season 2 is the character match-ups. Gareth and Madalena have this really epic bloodlusty love story going. Sid was a wonderful fit within that story before setting off to find Galavant. Even Isabella and the Jester have made an excellent comedic pair. But the most important character match-up of Season 2 has been putting Galavant and Richard together. The former mortal enemies have built quite a bromance that has blossomed throughout the season, which was vilified when Richard, who finally ditched that unicorn (new favorite euphemism!), chose to go to battle with Galavant instead of fleeing with Roberta. Roberta’s concerns may have been valid, but to see Richard go to battle with his friend was nothing short of inspiring. As much as this show can be funny and downright ridiculous, it has lots of real moments filled with heart. which solidifies it as a well-rounded show.

I also thought the moment when Gareth and Madalena hashed out their feelings using their army was pretty special. Even though I’m rooting for Isabella in the war.

I’m constantly impressed at the talent level of the actors involved with this show, but the highlight of my entire week was Vinnie Jones singing an entire song. From the generation that knows him as the President of the Manchester United Fan Club, or as Juggernaut, I can’t be blamed for not viewing him as a singer. I mean, it was more Russell Crowe in Les Miserables than anything else, but it was absolutely hysterical.

As always, here are some of my favorite quotes/moments from the episode:

  • “An Apple Store! Apples are said to be good for your health!”- Sid
  • “I am Neo, of Sporin”- Neo, of Sporin
  • “You must save him. He’s my bestie.”- Richard, re: Galavant
  • Gareth’s love song was absolutely wonderful.
  • “You’re helping. Try not to stab me.”- Neo, to Sid
  • “I’ve never made a fart joke in my life.”- Galavant. That makes one of us, sir.
  • “Why do I still have these?”- Death, re: his gonads
  • “I really want to kiss Roberta…and stuff.”- Richard
  • “You don’t have to sign in blood. I just gave you the knife to hold. A quill’s fine.”- Wormwood
  • “Mother always said she never knew when I was joking.”- Galavant
  • Song of the week: There were several good choices (Gareth’s love song, Madalena v. Isabella) but I’m going to have to go with “Goodbye”.

I’m really impressed with both this installment and the entire season of Galavant so far. The setup for the finale was excellent. Words cannot express how excited I am to see the battle come and the characters grow through that situation.

What did you guys think? Did you enjoy the episode? Let us know in the comments!

Galavant’s season finale airs Sunday, January 31 at 8/7c on ABC


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