credit: The Patient
Actor Steve Carrell is famous for his role in “The Office” and several amazing movies. He’s known for his humor and quick wit, but his newest character has the world on edge. The Patient with Steve Carrell on Hulu is one of the season’s sleeper hits. It premiered in August of 2022 and ended at the end of October; fans still are not over the ending. The entire miniseries is captivating, though it is sometimes a little slow. Steve Carrell’s character in The Patient is a doctor – a therapist. He’s living a life that is not his best one following the death of his wife, and his mourning is evident. If you have not tuned in yet, you should do so.
What is Steve Carrell’s The Patient About?
It’s a murder mystery, and it’s not a comedy. It’s a huge departure for Carrell, who is accustomed to playing the funny guy in everything he does. Here, he plays a therapist whose wife recently died when he is kidnapped and held hostage by a serial killer who has some seriously disturbing feelings. He blames his father for his feelings, and his mother knows that her son is a killer who has a doctor held hostage, and things get out of control quickly. The ending shocked the world – spoiler alert. Sam, the killer, kills Steve Carrell’s character. It was not the ending we expected, and we know a few more things about the show that might surprise you.
1. This is Not a Sexy Show
It seems 2022 is the year for sexy serial killers following the lead of Dahmer. We don’t say that because we find him at all sexy. We find him abhorrent. However, the release of Dahmer on Netflix had fans excited about the actor who plays the infamous serial killer. It was almost glorified in a way that’s sick and disgusting, and fans were all over it. This is a show with a serial killer, and he is not sexy. The character is also not the kind of guy you really like. He’s, well, he’s what you might really expect from a serial killer. He’s a guy with issues, and he is not glamorous at all.

credit: The Patient
2. This is Steve Carrell’s Best Performance Ever
Some might not agree with this one – The Office fans, in particular – but this is this talented actor’s performance of a lifetime. It’s outside of his genre, and he is brilliant. Honestly speaking, Steve Carrell is brilliant in any role. However, Steve Carrell in The Patient is likely the single best thing you’ll see on television all year.
3. Steve Carrell Got Into Character Despite Being Uncomfortable
He plays a therapist being held hostage by a serial killer. His character is shackled in the scenes he films, and he does this in real life. He didn’t just simulate this. Carrell got into character by allowing himself to go through what his character was going through, and it was difficult. He cites being instantly claustrophobic while being held hostage like this, and he knew that he would be let free at the end of filming. It was a challenge for him, but it worked well in his favor.
4. Steve Carrell Might Make History With This Role
He’s a talented actor who has officially been recognized in seven categories in which the Screen Actors Guild can recognize a male actor. The only thing he’s not been recognized for at this point is the best actor nomination in a television movie or miniseries. However, the world is on the edge of its seat waiting to see if he earns a nomination for this role – and it would be shocking if he did not. This would make him the first actor in the history of the SAG awards to earn a nomination in all eight categories. That would set a precedent for all actors following in his footsteps.

credit: The Patient
5. The Show is Done
For anyone hoping this 10-part miniseries might go on at a later date, please don’t do that to yourselves. The show is over. The men behind the show are done. They told their story. There is nothing else to tell. Yes, we might see a different side of things with the good doctor’s children who have just lost their mother and father, but no. We might see more of serial killer Sam, who decided to chain himself to his basement bedroom where the doctor was kept captive before his murder, but no. It’s not happening. The story has been told, and it will not go on. It was so good that nothing else the creators could do would work.
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