Five Things You Didn’t Know About Genelle Williams

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Genelle Williams

It can be said with confidence that there are many highly talented individuals who never achieve success because they lack the confidence and opportunity to perform. For this reason, it is very important to encourage young people and give them as many opportunities as possible. Many of the most popular actors working today owe their success to encouragement they received in their youth. Without such encouragement, actors like the incredibly gifted Genelle Williams may not have pursued acting at all.

Williams is best known for her work in Radio Free Roscoe and Degrassi: The Next Generation. Although she has earned many fans over the years, few know how interesting her background is. For those who want to know more about this gifted performer, here are five of the most interesting facts about Genelle Williams.

5. She almost lost a huge opportunity

Fans of Williams likely know her from her role as Leena on Warehouse 13, which remains one of the most notable parts in her career so far. What most fans do not know, however, is that she nearly lost the part. She actually missed her first audition for the role because she was having her tonsils removed. Luckily, she was able to audition later and eventually earn the part.

4. She loves her hometown 

While most people would assume that an actor like Williams lives in LA or New York, she actually lives in Toronto. Arguably Canada’s greatest city for actors, Toronto holds a very special place in Williams’ heart. She has stated that while she loves meeting and working with people in other parts of the world, she couldn’t bring herself to leave the city. According to Williams, the city has an irresistible acting community which she feels a deep connection to.

3. She has excellent training 

Many actors pursue formal training and education before embarking on their career. While many attend university, some are fortunate to get hands-on training from experienced actors. Such was the case for Williams, who was lucky enough to be trained by a renowned actor and coach. She learned a great deal from Dean Armstrong, a fellow Canadian who rose to fame thanks to Queer as Folk. Having such an experienced and gifted teacher is just one of the reasons for Williams’ incredible success.

2. She loves sports 

Williams is famous for her acting, but performing is not her only interest. She is also very athletic and loves sports. She is especially fond of basketball and even planned on working with the Toronto Raptors at one point. In addition to basketball, she is also passionate about snowboarding.

1. She began acting thanks to encouragement from a high school teacher 

Fans of Williams would likely scoff at the notion that she would do anything other than act, but she may not have ever seriously attempted acting if not for the encouragement of a teacher. She performed in a school musical while in high school, which caught the attention of a teacher. The teacher reached out to an agent, recommending Williams. Without this teacher encouraging Williams to pursue acting, she may have gone another direction. In fact, she was set on working as a physiotherapist for the Toronto Raptors until that point.


Final Thoughts

Genelle Williams has emerged as an incredibly gifted and charismatic actor. While fans likely cannot imagine her doing anything else, she only began acting after a teacher pushed her to give it a try. After years of incredible success as a performer, it is safe to say that listening to this teacher was a wise decision. With stars like Williams as examples, it is easy to see why encouraging young people is incredibly important.

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