Five Reasons You Should Consider Watching New CW Show “Dynasty”

Five Reasons You Should Consider Watching New CW Show “Dynasty”

Dynasty was an American soap opera that ran in the 1980s. Now, it has been rebooted under the same name, which will be broadcast on The CW. Unsurprisingly, while the core of the narrative remains much the same, there have been enough changes that Dynasty should prove interesting to both people who have watched the original and people who have not watched the original.

Here are five reasons that you should consider watching Dynasty:

Cristal Flores and Fallon Carrington

The clash between Cristal Flores and Fallon Carrington in the first Dynasty was one of its more memorable relationships, so it should come as no surprise to learn that it has returned in the second Dynasty. However, it is interesting to note that while the two will be fighting for influence over Blake Carrington, who is Cristal’s husband and Fallon’s father, they will also be fighting for influence over the corporation. Suffice to say that both are smart and ambitious women, meaning that a struggle was more-or-less inevitable.

Family Is Family

With that said, while the first Dynasty saw its fair share of standard soap opera shenanigans, its cast nonetheless cared about their family members. This is something that will be carried forward to the second Dynasty, which should provide the relationships between its characters that much more nuance. After all, hostility is much more interesting when it is complicated by love.

Comedic Elements

Speaking of which, it is interesting to note that the people responsible for Dynasty will be introducing some comedy into the mix as well. According to them, this is because their cast members possess a fair amount of comedic talent, meaning that they wrote the scripts so as to make use of them to their fullest potential. As a result, interested individuals need not fear that Dynasty will be one-note in nature because they can expect it to switch things up from time to time so as to keep things fresh.

In Tune with the Times

The reboot will make a serious effort to be relevant to the current times in various ways. For example, it will be taking cues from the latest fashion for the costumes of its characters. Furthermore, its writers will be incorporating the latest in politics and other serious matters in some manner into the narrative, though not enough that it will begin to overwhelm its core premise. As a result, this could come as welcome news some people who like seeing their TV shows reflect the world in which they live.

Updated for the Times

A lot can change over the course of decades, meaning that the first Dynasty can seem either offensive or outdated in some places to more modern viewers. For example, Steven Carrington possessed enormous potential as one of the earliest homosexual characters to appear on primetime TV, but in the end, said potential was never realized because of outside pressure. In contrast, the new Steven Carrington will start out as fully accepting of who he is, which was the intended end-state for his predecessor by one of Dynasty‘s co-creators. With that said, it is amusing to note that some of the ways that Dynasty has been updated for the times can seem more than a little bit unorthodox, as shown by a willingness to show physical fighting between its female characters when simmering tensions explode into outright violence.

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