Five Characters From John Wick That Deserve A Spin-off

The world of John Wick has always been a fascinating one since the character was introduced in 2012. While there’s no doubt that Keanu Reeves is the driving force that has kept this anchor afloat for the past ten years, the 59-year-old’s days in the franchise are seemingly over. There are rumors that a John Wick: Chapter 5 could happen, though it would be a mistake given the firm ending of Chapter 4.

While John Wick’s time in the franchise has come to an end (at least for now), there are plenty of characters within this colorful world that deserve their time in the spotlight. This list will count the five names throughout the series that should be given their own solo film or mini-series.

Santino D’Antonio (John Wick: Chapter 2)

Five Characters From John Wick That Deserve A Spin-off

The best villain in the main film series to date. Santino was arrogant, smug, and slimy; a villain that was easy to hate, though it can’t be ignored that Riccardo Scamarcio brought out the color of his personality. Santino seems like your classic evil rich gangster, but his first meeting with John Wick is quite intriguing. Out of all of the people in the world, why did John go to the crime boss to get help for his impossible task? Perhaps the mission itself won’t live up to the impossible moniker, but it would be a great way to dive into Santino’s world more and it opens the possibility of seeing sides of the character that we didn’t see in John Wick: Chapter 2.

Sofia (John Wick: Chapter 3)

Five Characters From John Wick That Deserve A Spin-off

The best part of John Wick (other than the fighting) is that we meet interesting characters from his past. Sofia and John have a complex past; how did Sofia get involved with this world? The crux of Sofia is her daughter, whom she was forced to abandon due to the dangerous world she’s caught in. The dynamic between the two characters can be a fun exploration to not just Sofia, but John as well. Did these two characters date before John met his wife?

We don’t know much about John’s history and fleshing out some of his backstories could be beneficial to the series as there are plenty of easter eggs that we as the audience will understand better. This should remain Sofia’s story, but interest is mainly in the relationship between John and Sofia. Though, it would be cool to see how Sofia runs the Casablanca Continental.

Caine (John Wick: Chapter 4)

Five Characters From John Wick That Deserve A Spin-off

Is Caine dead? That end credit scene in Chapter 4 certainly teased that Donnie Yen was about to meet the Grim Reaper, but that would be a mistake. Not surprisingly, Caine was an awesome character, and making him blind made him stand out even more. His unique fighting style would separate him from John Wick, and, it’s Donnie Yen, so you’re going to get badass action scenes with the martial arts legend.

There’s a lot of interesting backstory to explore with Yen, but John Wick is an action franchise first and foremost, and he’ll likely provide the best out of everyone on this list. That’s to say, his solo film doesn’t have to be as story-driven as Santino or Sofia (though action should be in these films too); focusing on incredible action and highlighting the differences between him and Mr. Wick.

The Adjudicator (The Continental: From The World of John Wick)

Five Characters From John Wick That Deserve A Spin-off

The Adjudicator in the film plays an important role; however, Katie McGrath‘s version from The Continental is the more interesting version of the character. The title itself has an air of mystery as it can compelling to dive deeper into John Wick’s high table. The Adjudicator would be story-based as none of the characters have been involved in the action sequences, which could spell doom for the series as fans mostly come for the fighting.

However, if there’s going to be more diving into this fascinating world then the different layers of characters can’t be the same. The big reason that Katie McGrath’s version sticks out is the big scar that she covers her mask with. That’s one aspect that is ripe with potential stories that can give more context to the world of John Wick.

Hansel & Gretel (The Continental: From The World of John Wick)

Five Characters From John Wick That Deserve A Spin-off

The best-supporting characters in the entire mini-series. What makes them so intriguing is the mystique surrounding these quiet assassins, so it’s possible that adding more dimension to Hansel and Gretel can ruin what made them so interesting in the series. Nevertheless, their fighting style can guarantee a fresh approach to fight scenes that can match the level of John Wick or Caine.

If Hansel and Gretel are written in the way Wick is, which means that we’re given enough information to understand their characters then these two could be really fun to watch. Granted, Hansel and Gretel died in the series so there’s only so much you can do with them, but watching the adventures of these two before the big event at The Continental can be rewarding.

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