Five Actors Who Should Play Tori Amos in a Movie

Five Actors Who Should Play Tori Amos in a Movie

For more than 40 years, Tori Amos has been building a legacy in the music business. However, she was turning heads long before that. When she was just 5-years-old, she earned a scholarship to the Peabody Institute. This made her the youngest person to ever be admitted to the prestigious institution. The talented singer, songwriter, and pianist been blazing a trail ever since. Throughout her career, Tori has worked with some of the biggest names in the industry. With a career as impressive at Tori’s, a biopic almost seems like a no brainer. The question is, who could take on the role of Tori? We created a list of people we think might be a good fit for the job. Here are 5 actors who could play Tori Amos in a movie.

1. Sharon Stone

Playing a person like Tori Amos requires a strong on camera presence.  Sharon Stone has been lighting up the screen since the early 80s. She is best-known for her work in films like Total Recall and Above the Law. She has been considered a sex symbol since the 90s and has the perfect amount of spunk and energy to play someone like Tori Amos. Stone already has experience portraying a real person. In 1995, she played Ginger McKenna in the film Casino. In 2017, she also played Iris Burton in the film The Disaster Artist. Playing someone like Tori Amos could be a great role to add to her filmography.

2. Kim Basinger

There’s something about Kim Basinger that has always screamed rockstar. Playing Tori Amos could be the perfect opportunity for Basinger to bring her inner rocker to life. Whether you know her best from Batman or from 8 Mile, chances are if you’ve ever seen Kim Basinger in action, you still remember it. Over the course of her career, Basinger has taken on a wide variety of roles that shows she has the skill and depth to play almost anyone. in 1997, she won an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in the film L.A. Confidential.

3. Dakota Fanning

A movie about Tori Amos will probably require someone to play her at different stages in her life. Dakota Fanning, who is 30 years younger than Tori, is the perfect person to play a young Amos. Fanning began her career as a child star, and quickly became noticed for her talent. At age 8, she became the youngest person to ever be nominated for a Screen Actors Guild Award. In a way, we all feel like we’ve watched Dakota grow up over the years. Fanning has proven time and time again that she’s one of the most skilled actresses in her generation and playing someone like Tori Amos would only add to that reputation. Dakota could definitely bring Tori Amos’ story to life in a unique way – especially during her younger years.

4. Jennifer Connelly

Academy Award winning actress, Jennifer Connelly, is as beautiful and talented as they come. Her work has been critically acclaimed throughout her career. She has earned dozens of film credits and is known for playing a wide variety of roles including Betty Ross in the 2003 film, Hulk and Alicia Nash in A Beautiful Mind. When people initially see Jennifer Connelly, they may assume she doesn’t have enough edge to play someone like Tori Amos. With that being said, this role could be the perfect opportunity to show the world that she can indeed do anything.

5.Cameron Diaz

As an actor, you want all of your roles to be successful and well-recieved, but of course that isn’t always the case. Sometimes, movies and specific characters fall short and don’t meet viewers’ expectations. Cameron Diaz experienced this a few times in her career, most notably in 2014 with her role as Miss Hannigan in the remake of the movie, Annie. Prior to its release, the film was highly anticipated, but turned out to be somewhat of a flop. Diaz’ work in the film received mixed but mostly negative reviews.

After the film’s release, Diaz decided to take a break from acting an announced her retirement.  It’s been a little over 5 years since Cameron Diaz decided to walk away from acting. But playing someone like Tori Amos could be the perfect comeback role.  Portraying Amos would provide her with an opportunity to show off just how talented she really is.

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