Everything We Know About Anne Hathaway’s Upcoming Dinosaur Movie

Anne Hathaway’s long history of successful movies helps to raise hopes that her upcoming dinosaur movie is going to be good. The finer details of Hathaway’s upcoming project are few and far between, but director David Robert Mitchell is signed on to the project. Hathaway is famous for diverse roles, but she’s never starred in a dinosaur film before.

This new movie will challenge Anne Hathaway because she’s never done anything like it. The other challenge is that recent dinosaur movies have not been well-received. This includes both the Jurassic World franchise and the Adam Driver movie 65. With a string of recent dinosaur movie disappointments in Hollywood, Anne Hathaway is hoping to change things up.

What Anne Hathaway’s Dinosaur Movie Will Be About

Anne Hathaway

Very little is known about the movie. It’s as-yet-untitled. However, Anne Hathaway’s dinosaur movie is set in the 1980s, which is even before the original Jurassic Park movie was made. The period in which the film is set allows for several options in terms of a plot line. However, the details of the movie’s premise are being kept quiet, though many speculate that it is not a prequel to Jurassic Park, considering Anne Hathaway’s movie is not owned by Universal. The only additional information released so far is that the movie is being filmed using IMAX cameras.

Who Else Is Cast In Anne Hathaway’s Dinosaur Movie?

Anne Hathaway

Aside from Anne Hathaway, no one else has been announced as part of the cast of this new movie. The script is written, but the rest of the cast is unknown. It’s possible casting for additional roles hasn’t yet occurred. Anne Hathaway’s role in the mysterious dinosaur movie wasn’t announced until the middle of March 2023.

When Could Anne Hathaway’s Dinosaur Movie Release?

Anne Hathaway

It’s unlikely production for the new Anne Hathaway dinosaur film has already begun, which means that the movie is unlikely to see a premiere date in 2023. For context, it took four months to film Jurassic World in 2015. The movie was released 13 months after filming began. The length of time it takes to film a movie varies, and the added work of bringing in special effects for the dinosaurs will likely take a little more time.

Realistically, if Anne Hathaway’s dinosaur movie begins filming in the spring of 2023, it’s possible that the film could see a release date sometime in 2024. However, it’s more likely that the movie will see a release date sometime in 2025. Production is rumored to begin in the fall of 2023, which means 2025 is a much more reasonable release date for the film. Very little information is available right now, so it’s difficult to pinpoint a more precise release date.

Read Next: 6 Interesting Facts You Don’t Know About Anne Hathaway

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