10 Things You Didn’t Know about Emyrson Flora

10 Things You Didn’t Know about Emyrson Flora

Emyrson Flora is only a teenager, but she’s already very confident about what she wants to do with her life. She was born to be a performer and now she’s taking steps to make that dream come true. Emyrson is a contestant on the 20th season of American Idol and she’s already making quite the name for herself. After a successful audition and a Golden Ticket to the Hollywood round, Emyrson has officially earned a spot in the top 24. We’re all going to have to keep watching to see how things go for her throughout the rest of the season, but so far things are looking pretty promising. Keep reading for 10 things you didn’t know about Emyrson Flora.

1. She Is In High School

There’s no denying the fact that Emyrson’s talent is very impressive. However, when you consider the fact that she’s only 16, her skills become even more impressive. She is currently a student at Walsh Jesuit High School in Ohio. If she’s this good as a teenager, just imagine how great she’s going to be in a few years. Should she end up winning the season, she might have to make other arrangements for finishing high school.

2. She Taught Herself to Play the Piano

Emyrson’s singing voice is what has gotten her the most attention, but it isn’t the only musical talent she has. She taught herself how to play the piano when she was a child and it’s something she’s enjoyed doing ever since. The fact that she can sing and play an instrument definitely gives her a bit of a competitive edge.

3. She Has a Growing Following on TikTok

Long gone are the days when social media is all about fun and games. These days, building a strong social media presence can be a great way to grow a career as an entertainer. This is something that Emyrson understands fully. She has more than 10,000 followers on TikTok and her video have gotten over 17,000 likes.

4. American Idol Has Been A Big Learning Experience for Her

One of the best things about American Idol is that it’s a great opportunity even for those who don’t win the show. Just going through the process and being around other talented artists can be helpful. According to Cleveland.com, Emyrson said, “I’ve learned so much about myself as an artist and as a person. I’ve grown so much. I think my favorite part about this is the people I’m surrounded by.”

5. She Hasn’t Released Any Original Music

Quite a few of the contestants on this season of American Idol have already released their own singles and some have even put out full-length projects. Emryson, however, hasn’t gotten to that point yet. It’s also unclear if she is currently working on putting out any original music.

6. She Likes to Write Songs

Thanks to American Idol we’ve already seen that Emyrson is fully capable of performing other people’s songs. However, that isn’t the only thing she can do. She’s been writing songs for several years and it’s become. a great way for her to express herself and share stories with the world.

7. American Idol Is Her First Competition Show

Singing competition shows have become a very popular way for people to try to break into the music business, and sometimes it takes multiple shots before things really start to take off. As a result, there are some people audition for several shows. As far as we know, however, Emyrson hasn’t been on any other competition shows.

8. Music Is Like Therapy For Her

If you ask 100 different musicians what they like about music, you’ll probably get close to 100 different answers. In Emyrson’s case, music has always been therapeutic for her. Emyrson told Cleveland.com, “Music has always been a therapy for me. It’s always been in my corner, something I’ve always done with myself.”

9. She Likes Her Privacy

Being in the spotlight can cause some people to overshare out of fear that people will lose interest if they don’t. However, Emyrson seems to prefer her privacy. As of now, she hasn’t shared much information about her personal life and she likes to keep her social media activity focused on her career.

10. She Has a Great Sense of Style

Fashion and music have always had a very close relationship. Emyrson likes being able to express herself through her clothing and her fashion choices are an important part of her performances. She has a knack for putting great outfits together and she isn’t scared to get a little creative.

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